Chapter 13: Hosu's Hell

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Native, a young Pro-Hero was doing his patrol like always but for once he wanted to change his habit and took at new street out of his usual patrol route. He sigh thinking that he would never be famous at this rate since he never had a big case other than saving some randoms or helping stopping some low life thugs.

As he walk he heard something, or someone. He turn his head toward a alleyway and goes to check If something was dangerous. The closer he walk toward the alleyway the stronger the feeling of unease became present in his mind. As he enter the alleyway the only thing he saw was a blade coming to him from his peripheral vision.

Native: Wha-


NOMUS where everywhere in Hosu, civilians panicking, Injured civilians and Pro-heroes alike, The pro-heroes who could still move separate in two groups, one fight the nomus while the second was rescuing and evacuated the civilians as much as they could. In the middle of that chaos Miruko and Bloodriver were fighting the NOMUS.

Miruko: Kid focus on the weaker ones, near the civilians !

Bloodriver: Understood !

Bloodriver do as she was ordered and rush to kick a small NOMU, who was about the smash a kid's head.

Bloodriver: Run to you parents !

The kid nod and run as fast as his legs could do. She take a last glance to make sure the kid didn't fall or anything. The Nomu attack but she dodge and send a powerfull kick to the Nomu's jaw, making his neck snap from the raw power. He fall loudly on the ground, unmoving.

Bloodriver: Phew...

Unknowing to her a second NOMU was behind her ready to hit her. However the hit never came as an explosion appear, by the time Bloodriver turn her head the Nomu was drop kicked by no other than Dynamight.

Dynamight: God damn it focus !

Bloodriver: Sorry ! But what are you doing here ?

Dynamight: Helping duh ! Like you !

Bloodriver: Miruko is fighting the bigger ones. But that's weird I didn't see only weaker version one the one from the USJ.

Dynamight: Yeah I noticed too. If I had to guess It's because the one at USJ was a special one. Anyways move your fat ass and go help more !

Bloodriver: Yeah you're ri- Hey my ass is not fat !

Dynamight: Let Izuku the judge of that.

Dynamight proppelled himself at high speed, ignoring Moka's loud "Hey !" . As he was helping he heard strange sounds. Like a battle near but different from the Nomus, he decide to see what's going on.


Izuku was currently sparing with Kibito, however they are interrupted by the Elder Kai himself.

Elder Kai: Izuku, you may want to see this.

Izuku walk to the Elder and sit next to him.

Izuku: What's going on ?

The Elder point his crystal ball, showing Hosu filled with Nomus, flame and destruction everywhere. To be honest Izuku never seen that much chaos in his life. While Villain attack is a recurring thing since he live in a super powered society, this was an other level.

He had to do something.

Izuku get up with a determinated face.

Izuku: I have to go there to protect everyone.

Elder Kai: You understand that at your current level you are not going to help much since you are not a pro-hero, nor you do have a license, right ?

Kibito: More than just that, we gods, we can't stay long in the human world. Meaning I can't stay with you and vouche for you when the cops are going to ask you questions. You'll be here nad take actions illegally.

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