Chapter 17: Class 1A Vs Teachers

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Two weeks has passed, 1A trained harder than ever before but they were still really nervous since they're all going to fight theirs teachers, they don't know If they can do it. Aizawa tell them to go get theirs Hero Costume and to go ready for the practical exam. 

The first to go were the Team Kuruno-Shirayuki. They rush through the middle of the main street, hoping to rush Cementoss from the front. However, Cementoss cuts them off from a great distance by creating a cement wall to block them off. Mizore send a wave of ice, breaking the cement wall, while Kurumu fly above and goes for a dive attack, only to be stopped by a second and taller cement wall. Mizore chose to change her approach and start to hide behind some buildings and craft a few ice kunais, while Kurumu keep Cementos occupied. She proceed to throw them around Cementos who didn't notice them. Cementos manage to trap Kurumu in a cage made of cement, while the ice kunais on the ground start spreading a thin layer of ice and freeze his legs. The ice goes up and froze his whole legs, waist and mid-torso. Mizore goes out of her hidding and put the handcuffs on Cementos. She goes say thank you to Kurumu for keep theirs teacher occupied long enough. They passed the exam.

Next team was Team Tsuyu-Ojiro. The exam begins and Ectoplasm spawns his clones to surround the students. He warns Tsuyu and Ojiro that all the teachers are doing their best to crush the students. More clones appear behind the duo and they rush the students all at once. Ojiro use her tail to throw Tsuyu to the platform above them. Before the clones reach Ojiro, Tsuyu uses her tongue to pull her up to her level. Ectoplasm commends their teamwork and pursues them in the upper floors. As the fight progress more clones appears, while Ojiro with her tail and martial arts could only keep them at bay. Tsuyu struggles too but both still find a way to help each others. At some points they found a way to escape. The escape gate is guarded by Ectoplasm's real body. The hero commends them for defeating the other clones and then creates a gigantic clone to attack them. Ectoplasm uses his Giant Bite Down Detention to capture both the students and trap them inside the behemoth. They try to get out of it as much as they could, but in vain.

Ectoplasm Won. At least that's what he thought.

Tsuyu creates a strategy to defeat Ectoplasm. Tsuyu gives something to Ojiro. Ojiro attacks again and Ectoplasm appears to defeat it with a kick. However, Ojiro rush at her teacher and was able to handcuff Ectoplasm with a sneak attack. It is then revealed that Tsuyu swallowed the handcuffs immediately prior to being swallowed herself. Their quirks combination attack allows them to pass the exam. This make them passed the exam.

Team Ibara-Kendo. Ibara and Kendo take their practical exam at a dirt field laced with pitfalls from Power Loader. The ground constantly collapses in front of them as Power Loader digs through the ground. Ibara use her vines to make a net to walk on, while Kendo use her hands to make a shield to protect themselves. They manage to walk, very slowly but surely. It took them a good 10 minutes but they manage to reach the exit. They passed the exam.

Team Yaoyorozu-Akashiya. Eraser Head stands over the city on top of a telephone pole, scoping the area for his opponents. Momo follows Moka while she explains that the fight can be decided by who finds the other first. Moka asks Momo to start making things with her Quirk so they'll know when the Eraser Hero is nearby. She plans to draw Aizawa towards her so Momo can escape. Momo has a plan of her own but isn't confident enough to go against Moka. Moka runs through the street and keeps her Battle Switch activated. Momo follows her and creates nesting dolls. Momo commends Moka for her plan. She replies that with a plain thanks since she focus more on Aizawa, but Momo believes that moka has more practical skills than she does even though they both got into U.A. Moka notices Momo isn't making the dolls anymore and realizes Shota's above them. Shota tells them to act when they know an enemy is near. Moka tries to Kick Eraser Head but the hero erases her Quirk and sent her into a wall. Shota lands in front of Moka and advises her to prioritize evasion. He dodges Moka's incoming kick and the latter yells for Momo to run. Momo hesitates before she runs and their teacher is disappointed with their plan. Before Moka could realise she was caught by her teacher who hang her on a light pole and places some caltrops and tell him to dare to free himself like that. Meanwhile, Momo panics as she runs towards the escape gate. She doubts every decision she's made and can't keep her composure enough to make new ones. Eraser Head catches up to her. He knows that Momo lost her confidence after the Sport Festival after having lost at the cavalry battle. He wraps her arm with his scarf and pulls her towards him. Momo notices that she can still use her Quirk and frees herself by creating a cylinder around her arm to create space. Then, she runs back towards Moka. Momo gets back to Moka and apologizes for not escaping. Moka tells her that their teacher is approaching. Momo starts to panic and Moka snap her out of it. Momo throws the nesting dolls at her teacher. Eraser Head swipes them away and knocks loose the stun grenades inside them. The light blinds Eraser Head and Momo free Moka from her bindings. Moka goes to close combat with Eraser Head, prompting the hero to wonder why would she do that without her quirk, what he didn't notice was some sorts of balls rolling on the ground, they explode revealing bindings similar to Aizawa, and caught him like a insect in a spider web. After that Momo put the handcuffs at Aizawa's wrists. They won.

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