Chapter 17

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Weeks later

Tia's vibrant party was in full swing, with music blaring, people dancing, drinks flowing, and a haze of smoke hanging in the air. Jaida arrived, greeting Tia with a warm hug.

"You and your legendary parties," Jaida chuckled. Tia smiled mischievously, appreciating
Jaida's presence, "Thanks for showing up."

"Is Mef coming," Jaida asked curiously. She hasn't seen him since he dropped her off at that restaurant weeks ago. They texted and spoke on the phone here and there but Mef was out handling business as usual.

Tia shook her head, a hint of frustration in her voice, "No, girl. I talked to him earlier, and he practically cussed me out for inviting him. You know how he can be. But is the black Messiah making an appearance?" Tia playfully joked .

Jaida nodded, a knowing smile gracing her lips. "He is. He should be here soon, but... give me a minute, I'll be right back." Jaida excused herself from the vibrant chaos, and locked herself in the bathroom and dialed a number.

"Yo," the voice over the phone answered nonchalantly.

"So, you really not coming to the party, Cliff?" Jaida asked, a tinge of disappointment creeping into her voice.

"Man, you know I don't have the energy to be around all those people," Cliff replied in an annoyed tone.

Jaida rolled her eyes, "I was hoping to see you, but I guess not."

Mef chuckled, "Oh look who's missin a nigga now."

There was a brief silence. "Say it." He demanded firmly.

Jaida's face scrunched up in annoyance. "Say what?"

Mef's laughter filled the air as he playfully challenged her, "I wanna hear you say you miss me."

Jaida sighed, feeling cornered but unable to resist his charm. "You are such a child," she mumbled.

"Ehhh, I'm not tryna hear all that. Tell me you miss me, and I'll be there," Mef insisted.

Jaida huffed over the phone not wanting to give in to his stupid demands. She rolled her eyes and bit her lip, not believing that she's about to give in.

She mumbled, "I miss you."

"Uh uh uh I can't hear you Miss Steele," he said laughing.

Jaida took a deep breath, raising her voice. "I said I miss you!"

Mef's voice softened, filled with satisfaction. "That's all you had to say, Jay. I'll be there in 45."

As he hung up, Jaida felt a mix of annoyance and relief. Truth be told, she did miss her friend. Spending time with Khairi and getting to know him had consumed much of her free time, and Mef's busy schedule made it difficult too. Opening the bathroom door, she made her way back towards Tia, only to find her engaged in conversation with Khairi.

"Hey, you," Jaida greeted, wrapping her arms around Khairi's neck and giving him a peck on the lips. Khairi looked a little taken aback, surprised that Jaida was showing public affection.

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