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School started two weeks ago and my alarm went off at 6:30 as usual.
I got up and did my usual morning routine until I realized that today I have class with Mr. Tomioka.
I instantly blushed and got butterflies in my stomach.

I've liked him since I was 15. I am now 18 so it's been three long years.

As I arrived at school I noticed him leaning against a wall checking his clipboard. He's wearing a tight black t-shirt and I can see his abs underneath.

He looked up and our gazes met.
"Good morning Mr. Tomioka" I tried my best to not stutter and I smiled.
"Good morning y/n, I see you're in a good mood today. See you in class ok?" He said with his usual stern tone but I could sense a hint of genuineness in his voice.

I nodded my head and I went sitting on my seat thinking about our small interaction.

I'm kinda sad because I know he doesn't like me and probably he will never since he takes his job seriously.

"What's up with that depressed face y/n, it's only 8:30 in the morning" Mitsuri's voice waked me up from my trance.
"Oh hi Mitsuri, I didn't notice you coming" I said.
"Of course you didn't, you're thinking about him aren't you?" She said with her usual smile.

She's the only person that knows about my little crush and she hasn't judged me for that, that's one of the reasons she's my best friend.

"Yeah... this is the last year I'll have him as a teacher" I said with a sad face.
"Cmon think positively, maybe after that you two could finally date" she reassured me.
"Easy for you to talk since you're finally dating the man of your dreams..." I said sighing.
"Yeah but don't you remember how I used to feel since no one wanted to date me back then? You just have to wait for the right time y/n, everything that is meant to be will come to you somehow" she said with a smiling face.

"Yeah but I don't even know if he likes me back or not"
"Don't you think you waisted enough time thinking about him? Why don't you date someone else instead? There's plenty of guys who would die to date you y/n" she said.

"I know but..." I didn't get the time to finish my phrase that she stopped me.
"But what y/n? I'm tired of seeing that frown on your face every time you remember you can't be with him, you should let things happen not preventing them to do so" she scolded me.

I knew she was right so I didn't say anything back. I just stared at her with an upset face... until he arrived.

"Good morning class" Mr. Tomioka said and we greeted him back.

He started his lesson but I couldn't help but stare at him and his movements and that t-shirt he's wearing didn't help concentrate at all.

I couldn't afford to daydream during his lessons since last year I barely passed his class.

It was the worst year of my life.

My parents died in a car accident and I had to live with my grandma for a while, but she died of old age a week before I turned 18 and I had no one to rely on.

Mitsuri was kind enough to let me stay at her place with her parents for a while and in the meantime I started working so that I could save some money to rent a small apartment.
I'll always be grateful to her family for helping me and sometimes I bake a cake and bring it to them.

After a while I realized that Giyuu was already teaching the new chapter so I started taking notes.

When class ended and collected my things and headed out of the class with Mitsuri... well that's what I thought until his voice called for me.

"Y/n, could you wait a second? I'd like to speak with you real quick." His voice sent chills down my spine and the thought of me being alone with him was making me blush.

Mitsuri winked at me and told me she will wait at the cafeteria.

I sighed and turned around facing him.

"Yes teacher?"


Hey guys! Sorry for ending the chapter with a cliffhanger but I wanted to build up tension first ahahah.
Let me know what you think of this first chapter, see you soon! 🩷🩷

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