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Two months have passed since my talk with Mr. Tomioka and I must admit that it motivated me a lot.
My grades are going up and sometimes he looks at me with a proud face.

But one thing torments me all the time, the fact that after this school year ends I will go to college and that means that I'll move out... meaning I'll probably never see Giyuu again.

As I was leaning towards the school entrance a deep and soothing voice said: "Is everything alright? You look lost in thoughts"

It was a boy I never seen at school... probably he's the new student everyone was talking about.

I must admit he's pretty handsome, has a fit body and green eyes that match with his dark brown wavy hair.

I smiled at him before answering.
"Yeah I'm fine, thank you for asking... you must be the new student, right?"
"Yeah, my name is Kai, pleasure to meet you" he stretched out his hand in order for me to shake it.
"I'm y/n, the pleasure is all mine" I shook his hand smiling.

I've never felt attracted to someone else besides Giyuu so this is quite a strange situation.

"By the chance do you know where Giyuu Tomioka's class is? I heard he's pretty strict and I don't want to arrive late" he chucked.
"Actually I have the same class as you so why don't we walk there together?"
He nodded his head and we walked together.

Maybe this is finally my chance to stop thinking about Giyuu and start focusing on my life...

As we entered I noticed Mitsuri sitting at her seat and she smirked when she saw me with Kai.

"Good morning... now I see why you haven't answered my texts" she teased me.
"Mitsuri, this is Kai, he's the new student we've been informed of. Kai, she's Mitsuri my best friend." I introduced them to each other.

They didn't even have the time to start talking that Giyuu entered the room and immediately the class went silent.

He spotted Kai and made him the gesture to come in front of the class to introduce himself.

"Good morning class, as you may know we have a new student in our school" he was now waiting for him to start talking.

"Hey guys, I'm Kai. I hope we can get along well during this short school year" he said with a charming smile.
"Good, you may take a sit next to y/n since it's the only available seat."

Of course it is... maybe this is really the right time to change my romantic life for the better.

After class Kai asked me for my number which I gladly gave, but I could feel Giyuu's eyes piercing my back while I was talking to Kai.

When I turned around he acted like nothing happened and he kept writing on his notebook.

Maybe it's my delusional ass trying to convince me that Giyuu may actually feel something for me.

Fact is that after that episode Giyuu would call on Kai and make him do exercises or answer questions which Kai always got right. I could feel the tension between the two but i believe that it's just my imagination.

Mitsuri noticed as well but she told me that maybe Giyuu wants to see how prepared Kai is and he will eventually stop picking on him.

Her obsession (Giyuu x reader)Where stories live. Discover now