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You got in Sanemi's car as Giyuu waved you two goodbye.
His presence made you feel uncomfortable since he looked angry and annoyed so you kept it quiet for the whole ride home.

"Here's my number. Text me only whenever you're going out with that circus freak, just let me know in advance." He said scoffing while handing you a piece of paper with his number on it.

"Oh and not to sound like a maniac but... your shirt is upside down. Now get off of my car, I have things to do." He said without looking at you.

You got really embarrassed but brushed it off since there was no way he could come to the conclusion of you fucking your teacher which apparently is also a secret spy.

"Thanks for the ride..." you said and he hummed in response before going away.

You didn't even manage to get inside your home that you received a notification on your phone.

Hey beautiful, do you think we can make up for what happened last time? I'm free whenever you're free so let me know 💖💖

You didn't know what to do, a lot of things were happening at the same time so you decided to take a shower and let the day pass by itself.

Next day

Luckily it was Saturday so you didn't have to go to school. You still remembered you had to text Douma back, and since it was Saturday you thought that you two could go out and talk.

And that's what you two did, you were at a park eating an ice cream that he offered to buy... Of course with the supervision of Sanemi in the distance.

You didn't feel comfortable about this whole situation since he made you wear a wiretap in order to listen to your conversation in case Douma said something that could frame him.

"I'm sorry about what happened last time y/n... you know it's hard for me to talk about my feelings and you really pissed me off with your answers." He said looking sad.
"Well now you know how someone feels while talking to you, I really miss the old Douma." You tried to sound as tough as you could, but deep down you've always had a soft spot for him.

He was your childhood friend, he often came to play at your house and you did the same. He was a joyful child but things changed when his parents died. He became unrecognizable in a weird way, he was still the joyful child you always knew but something about him felt off.

"The old Douma you say huh... you're the only one who's ever got to see him, why do you think I'm still so transparent with you y/n? You're the only one I can't fake my personality."
"And why is that?"
"Isn't that clear yet?" He got up, his hands in a fist.
"Doesn't matter, does it? You still have feelings for Tom-." You kissed him before he could finish his phrase, not because you wanted to do so but because Sanemi was listening and you couldn't afford to let him know that you're crushing on his soon-to-be-married colleague.

"Ooh so you finally got your mind right." he said smirking while holding you thigh.

You didn't know how to respond but you had to get along with the plan. You were confused, you liked Tomioka but Douma got you in a chokehold.

"I've missed you." You said before kissing him again, this time more passionate.
"I've missed you too princess" he kissed you back.

It was an intense kiss and Sanemi was cringing and almost puking, what stopped him was Douma's phone ringing.

"Mhm? Right now? Tsk alright I'm coming." He said rolling his eyes.
"You heard it princess, work's calling. I take you home, alright?" He kissed your head.


You had to take some information out of him so you started asking questions about his job.

He responded as if he was following a script so you decided to make one specific question.

"Why were you so interested in that book I have home?"
"We'll talk about it another day princess." He said before dropping you off and driving away.

"What book?" You could hear Sanemi's voice through the wiretap.
"Jeez you scared me!" You said almost jumping out of place.
"I have this strange book at home, you should come and see it." You said right after.
"I can't right now, I'll send Tomioka if that's ok with you." He said.
"Y-yeah that's totally fine." You were obviously nervous.
"Alright, I'll tell him to text you, bye for now." He said before disconnecting the wiretap.

Hey guyssss it's been a long time since I last uploaded a chapter... I've been really busy between university and work, besides I really thought about dropping this ff but I saw how some of you couldn't wait for another chapter so I'll try to keep some time to write the story for you guys 🫣💞
In the meantime I wish you a happy Easter 🐇 💗, see ya in the next chapter!!

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