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I felt my heart pounding.

"I just want to make sure we're on the same page this year. Just because it's your last high school year that doesn't mean that I will be as clement as last year. I want you to start studying seriously ok? Your future depends on it." He said coldly.

No hint of emotion behind his words.

I imagined the worst scenarios in which he would put me on the desk and fuck the shit out of me but instead he just scolded me...

"Yes sir, I won't disappoint you" I said nervously.
"Ah.. one last thing y/n." He said again.

I looked at him and he did the same, I could melt in his beautiful ocean eyes.

"I talked to a few teachers and it seems like you only had troubles with my class last year... any reason why?" He asked curiously.

What do I tell him now? Do I confess?

Of course not dummy, you would ruin the slightest chance you have to get with him.

It's not like I can tell him about my tragic past either...

"No reason... I just had a hard time" I looked away because I'm an awful liar.
"Y/n you know I don't like when people don't look at me while I talk" he said sternly but I just couldn't look at him.

He eventually got up from his seat and came closer to me. I felt my heart racing and my cheeks were burning.

"Look at me y/n" he said this time more... gently?

I gather courage and looked at him with a shy look.

"That's better" he said and the hint of gentleness was still there.
"It wasn't my intention to scare you by any means, you can leave now. Just remember what we talked about, understood?" He was back to being the usual cold teacher now.

I nodded my head as I left the classroom.

As I closed the door behind me I could feel the rush of adrenaline disappear. I sighed and went to the cafeteria where Mitsuri was waiting for me and was talking to someone at the phone, probably it was Obanai, her boyfriend.

They didn't make it official yet but everyone can sense how much they love and care for each other.
Im happy for her, she deserves it since she's a kind-hearted woman.

She saw me and waved at me as I approached her.
"So what did you two talk about?" She chirped.
"Nothing important actually... he just wanted to make sure that I will pass his class with good grades this year..." I said kinda disappointed since I knew she thought about something else.

"Well that's good, don't you think? It means he cares about you" she said smiling.
"I guess... but it's his job to make sure no one fails his classes." I sighed before the bell rang meaning our small break was done. Unfortunately we didn't have this class together so we had to say goodbye.

" I'll see you after school alright? Try not to think about him during this time" she got up from her seat and gave me a reassuring smile.
"See you Mitsuri" I got up as well and head to my next class.

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