20. 🍋

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"I bet you thought of me the whole time while fucking him." He whispered in your ear while tracing circles on your inner thigh, sending you shivers down your spine.

Then he stopped. "I'll fuck you right here and now on two conditions."
"One: even if you'll have to date Douma from now on you won't allow him to touch you like that, let alone have sex with you." He said while holding one finger up.
It was reasonable since you didn't plan on having another affair with him, so you waited for the second condition.

A smirk spread across his face.
"Two..." he continued, this time holding two fingers up. "You'll have to beg for it."

Your eyes narrowed, ain't no way you'll beg him for sex after how he treated you.
"I won't do that."

He brushed his lips against your neck.
"Time is ticking y/n, Sanemi could arrive any moment now..."

You scoffed before whispering a shy "please".
"I don't like your attitude, try again." He was basically making fun of you, knowing how desperate you were for him.

"Please teacher..." this time you were whining since you knew you didn't have much time.

There was something in you calling him teacher and not by his first name that made him turn on.
"Please what? Use your words..." he brushed his crotch against your cunt so you could feel him getting hard.

Your body moved on its own as you started grinding on him, hugging him with your legs. "Please teacher, fuck me..."

He smiled mischievously as he looked down at you.
"You're such an obedient little girl... good girls always listen when their teachers tell them what to do, don't they?"

He was playing with the hem of your skirt, his hands slowly reaching towards your panties and seconds later your lady parts were completely exposed.
"Now don't move or speak unless spoken too." His voice was stern but also playful. He knew exactly how much control he held over you right now.

He leaned down and kissed your neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses along the way.
"Can you feel how wet you're getting down there? I can smell your arousal and it's driving me crazy. I want to make you come so badly." His hand starts to explore your body, touching and stroking different parts of it.

He started playing with your clit, circling it gently while looking at you in the eyes.

To stop yourself from making any lewd noise you kissed him. In response he pushed two fingers inside of you, making you gasp.

You unbuttoned your shirt revealing your breasts, his lustful eyes scanning your body before starting sucking your left boob.

"Mhmm Giyuu..." as moaned his name he couldn't wait any longer, the sex drive was too intense. He unzipped his pants and thrusted himself inside of you, covering your mouth from making any noise.

He started hitting the sweet spot inside of you over and over again, each thrust was a step closer to make you cum.

He gripped your hips to make sure you can feel every thrust. His thumb brushed your clit, sending shocks of pleasure through your body.

"Teacher I want more..." you whimpered in his mouth, so he picked up the pace, thrusting into you faster and harder. He could feel you tightening around him, knowing you're close to climaxing.

You didn't want to cum since he had still his clothes on and you would stain them so you just held back.

Then he had an idea.
"Get up and bend over next to the window."
Of course you did as he said, you were his little toy after all.

You could see the school entrance from the window and you spotted a pink-haired girl with two other boys. You assumed it was Mitsuri alongside with Obanai and Kai and you remembered you asked them if they could wait for you outside.

"Don't scream too much, you don't want your friends to hear you right?" His tone was playful and you knew he had a smirk on his face even if you were bent down.

He entered inside of you once again without warning, pounding inside of you relentlessly and covering your mouth with his hand.

He took hold of your hips, picking up the pace even more. His strokes are long and powerful, filling you with each thrust. He gripped your hair lightly, using it to pull your head back as he continues to thrust into you.

"It's so good Giyuu... so g-good." You choked on your own words.

He grunted as he felt himself getting close to his own climax. He could feel himself filling you up, stretching you and making you feel so damn good. He couldn't wait to finish, to come inside of you.

He still had the lucidity to ask an important question. "Are you on birth control?"

As you shook your head no you could hear him cuss and pulling his dick out of you, leaving you like a wet mess.

"We can't risk a pregnancy so now be a good girl and get on your knees." He didn't ask, he demanded.

As you got on your knees you gulped at his length, you weren't sure that it would fit inside of your mouth.

You looked up at him for reassurance and he caressed your cheeks, a faint smile appearing on his face.

You finally take his dick on your hand, slowly stroking it. He feels your hot breath on his cock as you take him into your mouth, sucking him hard. He shivers at the sensation, loving the warm, wet feeling of your mouth around him.

His breathing becomes heavier as you work your magic on him. Your tongue swirls around his shaft, licking every inch of skin. Your lips grip tightly around his girth, pulling him deeper into your throat.

"Fuck, why are you so good at this..." his head rolled back as you kept on sucking him.

He grunted, unable to hold back any longer. He shot his load into your waiting mouth. You swallowed every drop, not wanting to waste a single drop of his delicious load.

He felt incredibly satisfied. He reaches down to stroke your hair, smiling as he looks down at you. "I haven't received a proper blowjob in ages, you did it a great job."

His praise made your heart flutter but it didn't last long since his phone received a message and you knew it was that Sanemi guy.

"It's Sanemi, he's waiting outside. Let's go before he gets angry and starts blabbering nonsense." He returned the cold Giyuu you were used to. His shift made you scoff but he decided to ignore it.

After five minutes you were finally outside school with Giyuu guiding you towards Sanemi. You already told Mitsuri that you would walk home alone so that they didn't have to wait for you.

You arrived in front of a guy with white hair and some scars on his face waiting outside of a black car. They somewhat suited him, he isn't smoking hot as Giyuu or Douma but he is surely handsome.

"Tomioka." He didn't even acknowledge you, he was too focused on looking at Giyuu with hatred.
"Shinazugawa." Giyuu answered with the same coldness.

The white haired guy finally looked at you but his face remained the same.
"So she's the brat I have to look after?" He sounded annoyed.
"Yes, treat her well." At this point the tension was overwhelming.


Finally another Giyuu smut chapter 😳 I just wanted to tell you guys that starting from next week I won't upload as fast as usual since I'm starting my university lessons and I also got a new job 😭😭
I'll make it up for you though, I wish you the best in the meantime 💗💗

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