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God why am I so stupid? I even thought I had a chance with him after he was the one who finally kissed me while now he's saying that he doesn't have feelings for me.

Plus he has a goddamn girlfriend, if he cheated on her what are the odds that he won't cheat on me in the future?

Speaking of cheaters...
I should call Douma.

I know I'm getting myself into a troublesome situation with him but I don't care, at least he knows hot to satisfy a woman even if the thought of having my first time with someone who fucked the whole city makes me puke but once again... it's been years since he started flirting with me now and then, he's not the type to chase someone for a long time of period so that might mean that his words were genuine, even if I hardly believe it.

I'll think about it later, now I should eat something before my shift starts.

*time skip to the next day*

I woke up with a gloomy feeling. I checked what day it was and I saddened.

It was the anniversary of my parents' death.
I didn't feel like going to school so I skipped it, it's not a big deal since today I had kinda useless subjects... P.E. in particular.

I slept a little bit more and after that I went to buy some flowers to put on their tombstone.

I loved my parents a lot but work was always in the middle of our relationship so I spent most of my times at home alone or with a nanny.

I sighed as I entered the cemetery and placed the flowers on their grave.
After that I started crying, not because they were dead but because I feel like a failure.

They wanted me to be successful but the only thing I achieved was... nothing.
I'm no academic weapon, I'm not good at sports, I don't have interesting hobbies... why was I even born if I can't do anything right?

I stopped crying since I know that the last thing they want to see it's me sad, and even if they're dead I'll try to fulfill their wishes.

Giyuu's POV

School day ended and y/n hasn't shown up today... probably because of our last talk.

That's understandable, I was a dick to her but it was for the better.
I decided that I won't change her class since there are still 6 months before school ends and it will be useless, besides I don't want to answer the principal's questions about my decision. I'm worried about one thing though... if she realizes that she'll see me for the rest of the school year she probably won't come to school again.

I decided to look though her archives to find her number and ask her if we could talk.

I sighed as I sent her the message knowing for a fact that I was worsening the situation.

Two hours passed and she hasn't texted back. That's it I'm going to her place.

Y/N' s POV

I received a text by Giyuu saying if we could talk but I want in the mood to listen to his bullshits so I just ignored him.

I looked at Douma's number before finally calling him.

"Y/n? What a pleasant surprise! To what do I owe this call?" I could sense the malice in his voice.
"I was just wondering if you could... come over later?" I asked reluctantly.
"I thought you'd never ask, I'll be there in about an hour ok?" His malice grew even more and I got goosebumps at the thought of what could happen later.
"Yeah, see you later then." I said before ending the call.

I rushed to the bathroom and took an everything-shower, luckily I washed my hair yesterday so I didn't waist time on washing them again.

I wore a sexy lingerie that was meant for my first time... even though I hoped it could be with Giyuu but at this point it doesn't even matter.

I had still some time before Douma's arrival so I decided to prepare a charcuterie board with some wine and I placed 'em on the table in the living room to set the mood right.

My heart started beating fast when I heard the doorbell ring. He was strangely early.
I calmed myself down and opened the door but...
My jaw dropped when I saw him.

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