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As I was opening the car door Kai slammed it closed.

"What the fuck was that huh?" He asked trying to maintain his calm.
"What do you mean?" I'm acting dumb, of course I know what he's referring to but I'm not in the mood to talk about it.
"Care to explain what were you and Mr. Tomioka doing? You two seemed quite close to each other." He clenched his jaw and I gulped.

"He just offered me company since you were lost in the crowd, that's it." I crossed my arms after saying that.
"Yeah you were so focused on him you didn't even realize I've called you like twenty times... but you always do this when he's around, you always ignore me or whoever is next to you when you notice his presence... do you think I'm stupid y/n? I've already realized you have a crush on him, you never look at me like you look at him"

"Why should I look at you like that?" I raised an eyebrow.
"I thought I already made it clear that I like you but I can't bear your attitude anymore." He scoffed.

I didn't feel sorry for him, it's not my fault I don't like him back. He's handsome but as we spent time together I realized that we weren't meant for each other. I never deceived him into thinking that we could be more than friends.
I just started walking away from him but he grabbed my wrist.

"You're just gonna leave like that?" He asked concerned. "Even if I'm pissed off I won't let you go home alone at this time, just get in the car and stop making reckless decisions." He let my wrist go as he opened the door for me.
I just nodded my head and thanked him.

The ride home was silent and awkward, I only spoke once just to say that I'm sorry that I've hurt him, but he didn't answer back.

He finally stopped in front of my house and I looked at him before getting out of the car.
"Y/n?..." he sighed.
"I'm sorry for lashing out before, it's not your fault, I just want you to reconsider your choices because I don't want you to get hurt the same way you did to me. I can't tell you who you should love but damn... he's our teacher, just think about it for a sec."

I looked away because I knew he was right, that's what I've been trying to say to myself for the past three years.

"I'm sorry that we didn't work out the way I hoped we would, I'm not angry or anything, I just want you to be safe. You're a king girl and you don't deserve to suffer from a one sided love, y/n. I won't keep you here with my annoying pep-talk but I hope it could open your eyes someday." He said smiling.

"I don't deserve you, Kai" I said crying, I fucked up a friendship with the only male that cared enough for me.
He hugged me saying it's ok and that we can be still friends as he wiped the tears off my face.

"Now go and rest." He said kissing my forehead. I nodded my head and got out of the car waving at him goodbye.
"Text me when you're home." I said before he took off.

I entered inside of my home and the first thing I did was to drink a glass of water. After that I dragged myself to the bathroom in order to remove the make up off of my face and do my skincare.

Giyuu's POV

Special guest? What the hell is that supposed to mean?

I was still at the party when y/n left so I started looking for Douma.
There he was, sitting on his couch with four girls around him.


I hate the kind of guy he is but at the same time I envy him, he's so carefree and confident... basically my opposite.

"Oh my! To what do I owe the pleasure of your presence Giyuu?" He said with his usual grin.
"Can I talk to you for a moment? If I'm not interrupting something..." I said looking at the girls with him. They checked me out with a smirk from head to toe and in turn I glared at them.
I don't like this kind of girls as well, but they're the perfect match for someone like Douma.

"Of course! Sorry ladies, I'll come back to you later" he said while getting up.
We went in the kitchen where there were still some people drinking and I decided to drink a beer.

"So I am a special guest here huh" I said while opening a beer.
"Oh so someone told you that!" He giggled.
"Well you're not a special guest for me, but you might be for someone else..." he smirked.
"Care to explain?" I said raising my eyebrow and taking the bottle of beer to my lips.

"You're so blind Giyuu, I graduated two years ago but you're still the same, you're so naïve... or are you just pretending?" he was totally amused by this situation and by the fact that I was confused as hell.
"I'll give you a hint just because that might benefit me as well... let's say that one of your student has a crush on you" he smirked again, this guy really looks like a psychopath as they say.

"And it seems like you know who it is." I said.
"Of course I do, she told me once while she was drunk as fuck at one of my parties, I couldn't even bring myself to kiss her because of how much I pitied her... seeing her crying over you really made me unhappy" he became sad but something tells me that he's just pretending, even though I must say he's a good actor.

"And why should me knowing who she is benefit you?" I asked.
"Well because you surely will reject her since you don't want to lose your job, do you?" He smirked again before continuing. "And that's where I take the field, I'll be the one to comfort her and shit like that until I finally manage to get her" his smirk turned into a grin.

"You're sick in your head Douma." I said with a disgusting tone.
"Am I?" He pouted. "Nah, I just want some fun, besides don't think that I don't care about her... I've had he biggest crush on her since forever but you ruined all my chances, I really hope that you reject her so that she will finally stop obsessing over you" he sighed.

"Why won't you tell me her name then?" I was irritated at this point.
"You're no fun Tomioka, besides I think that she'll confess sooner or later... she doesn't have much time before school ends" he said laughing before leaving as I stood there confused and startled about what I've just heard.

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