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I looked up at him shocked by his presence. Of all people I wouldn't have imagined Giyuu Tomioka to be at a party, especially Douma's.

I couldn't bring myself to answer and he lit my cigarette while keeping eye contact with me.
It was the hottest thing that has ever happened to me.

He sat next to me and I managed to say a faint "thank you" and he hummed in return.

"Mr. Tomioka... can I ask you something?" I spoke after a while and he nodded his head in return.
"Why are you here? I mean, how do you know Douma?" I asked.
"Oh, um.. I don't actually know Douma personally, I only know him because a friend invited me here." Giyuu explained. "And besides, you can just call me Giyuu when we're not at school." He added.
"Alright Giyuu" I internally screamed as I called him by his first name.

"So... why do you have a lighter?" I genuinely asked.
"Huh.. why do I have a lighter?" Giyuu repeated my question in a calm tone and expressionless face.
"Well... I usually keep one with me because I do smoke sometimes." Giyuu explained.
"Really? I wouldn't have imagined the gym teacher smoking" I said giggling.

His face remained expressionless.
"I smoke every once in a while." Giyuu replied calmly.
"I know it is bad, but I only do it when I need to calm myself or relax." he added.

"Would you like a cigarette? I don't like smoking alone so you might keep me company" I said while handing him a cigarette.

Giyuu stayed silent for a few seconds, then nodded his head slightly. "Sure, I'd like one to be honest."
Giyuu took the cigarette. His body language was calm and he kept his eye contact with me. He took the cigarette and placed it in his mouth, he then grabbed the lighter from my hand and lit it up. 

Giyuu inhaled deeply once and then exhaled a large amount of smoke through his nose. "Thank you." he said in a calm manner, he looked at me once again and kept his eye contact with me.

His staring is making me nervous and I can't think straight when his blue eyes are examining my facial features.

"Why are you looking at me so much?" I didn't even know where I gathered the courage to talk to him like that, he's still my teacher after all.
"Do I look at you that much?" He replied , not breaking his eye contact with me. His tone sounded normal and calm.
"You probably are overthinking." he added.
"Am I?" I said while tilting my head to the side.
"I believe so." he replied. "I am just looking at you like normal." he added in calm tone while keeping his eye contact with me, he was somewhat... smirking?

I took a puff from the cigarette while looking up at the night sky and then I sighed.
Dows he know about my crush for him?
I'm starting to think he's playing mental games with me.

"You never look at me like that at school" I blurted out. He raised an eyebrow before answering back.
"Well yeah, I am at a party and I'm more relaxed, unlike in school where it is a serious environment." he replied in a calm tone.

Giyuu stayed silent for a few seconds and then changed the subject:
"By the way, why were you out here alone smoking?" he asked calmly.
"Kai was supposed to be here with me but I lost him in the crowd" I simply replied.
"Oh..." Giyuu replied. "I noticed you became close friends huh..." he narrowed his eyes.

He stayed silent before talking again.
"Did you try searching for him?" he asked.
"I'm a little drunk so I don't think that searching for him is a good idea, I'll probably bump into Douma and he'll start flirting with me or whatever"
"You need to take care of yourself at a party like this, it is not safe for a girl to wander around alone."
"I know but I didn't feel like staying inside since I started to have an headache."
"Do you want me to help you finding him?" He asked with a hint of a smile.

I nodded my head and he got up and threw both our cigarettes in a trash-can nearby.
He then offered me his hand to help me getting up which I gladly accepted but as I got up I started to feel dizzy and I tripped on my foot and landed on top of him.

I widened my eyes as I felt his hands resting on my waist and our faces close enough to almost kiss. Luckily there wasn't a lot of people outside and they didn't pay attention to us.

Giyuu stood still and he did not seem to mind me tripping and landing on top of him, his face remained expressionless he did not even flinch or make any expression changes.

"Are you hurt y/n?" He asked me.

Am I hurt? Bitch I'm in heaven.

I simply shook my head no as I was still looking at his eyes.
"Y/n... you're still on top of me..." he reminded me as his cheeks assumed a pinkish color. It's the first time I've seen him embarrassed.
"Oh right, sorry" I said while getting up and looking away in embarrassment.
"It's ok, don't worry about it ok? Now let's go find Kai" he reassured me.

As we turned around we noticed Kai looking for me and he sighed in relief when he saw me.

"I've been looking for you everywhere y/n, are you ok?" He asked hugging me.
"Yeah.. Giyuu kept me company" I blushed.

Kai raised his eyebrow at me calling mr. Tomioka by his first name but then he looked at Giyuu.
"Mr. Tomioka what a surprise to see you here, are you the "special guest" Douma was talking about?" He said glaring at him, the tension between the two was unmatched.

"Special guest? Why would he call me like that?" Giyuu scoffed visibly annoyed by Douma's comment. "Well that doesn't matter, y/n you should probably go home before you get lost again."
"I can keep you more company if you'd like" that was definitely the alcohol in me talking.

Kai looked at me with a confused face and Giyuu froze for a few seconds when he heard my statement. He was quiet for a little while before answering
"Oh.. it is okay y/n, you should go back with Kai. It is safer that way." He said calmly and in a somewhat nervous tone.
"I think I will also go back home" he added calmly.
"Oh ok... I guess I'll see you on Monday at school then" I replied awkwardly.
"Oh.. yeah I'll see you two at school. It was nice to see you here." he replied while remaining calm but I could perceive a pinch of nervousness in his voice.

Me and Kai headed back to his car and before entering I looked back one more time and noticed that Giyuu has already left.

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