
482 13 21

Y/n's POV

After what happened with Giyuu at the party I didn't go to school for 3 days. Luckily Mitsuri and Kai passed me all the notes so that I wouldn't fall behind classes.

I only left home to go to the Café I work at.
It's been almost 3 hours since I started my shift meaning it was going to be over soon. I was washing some cups when a customer entered.

It was Douma, the last person I wanted to see, but since he is a customer I had to put on my fake smile and greet him.

"Hey Douma, what can I get you?"
"My, my! I'm about to be served by the hottest barista on earth! I'll take a black coffee please" he said giggling.

Of course a black coffe... black as his soul.

I prepared his coffee and served it to him at the countertop. Today was a quiet day since it was raining and unfortunately there was only Douma and a few other customers.

"So I've heard you didn't go to school these past few days, how come?" He asked.
"I just didn't feel like it." I shrugged my shoulders while keeping on washing the cups.
"You can lie to whoever you want y/n, but you can't lie to me and you know that." He said nonchalantly while drinking his coffee.

"Is it because of Giyuu? Did something happen at the party?" He giggled again.
"Tch, you knew all along that he was coming and you didn't warn me, I regret telling you that night."
"Don't be like that y/n... besides you know I like drama" he clapped his hands joyfully while I looked at him with a neutral face.

"So? Did something happen? You know you can tell me, I'm the only one who can help you with this kind of stuff you know."

He was indeed right. People assume he is some kind of angel due to his colorful eyes and see him as a saint to whom they can confess. Some rumors say that he can hear God's voice but I highly doubt that.
The only thing I know is that in reality he's just a sadist who enjoys to make people's life miserable, this is why I won't tell him shit.

"Nothing special happened" I said while cleaning the countertop.
"You and him could make a great couple, the most boring couple ever to exist" he said rolling his eyes. "You would look better with someone like me if you want my honest opinion..." he giggled again.

I stayed silent at his comment. Why does everything he says have to make sense? I mean Giyuu is hot and everything but can he satisfy my needs? He doesn't look like the type of guy who cares about having a relationship to be honest.

"...I see, your silence speaks for itself. I always knew that he isn't your type. What you need is a reliable man in your life." He turned serious.
"I bet you are looking for someone that will not try to play any games with you and always take care of you, do you want a reliable partner in your life? You don't have to say anything because I already know you want it. You want a man who can take care of you, can satisfy you physically and mentally.
You want someone that will always be at your side, I am that person, y/n. I am the person you've been looking for all along." He said staring deep into my eyes.

I looked at him in disbelief.
"Can we talk in 10 minutes after I finish my shift?" I asked and he smiled.
"Of course, I'll wait for you outside then since it stopped raining" and with that said he left.

I sighed and cleaned his cup of coffee and after 10 minutes I finished my shift. I cleaned myself up a little before meeting him since I knew that something would happen.

I wanted to believe his words but we're talking about Douma here, the most untrusting person on earth.

I walked towards him and he smiled.
"Wanna take a walk while we talk?" He asked and I nodded my head.
After a while I spoke.
"I know what you're trying to do... you're trying to manipulate me into having sex with you, aren't you?"
He chuckled at my question.

He stopped and grabbed my wrist as he gently pinned me to a wall.

"Manipulation?" He said while his hands slowly caressed my back.
"No, not at all, y/n...I speak with words that I believe in." He stared at me again with those iridescent eyes.

"I can satisfy you in every way a woman wish for. Not just with physical satisfaction..." he said while giving small kisses on my neck.
"...but also mentally and emotionally. That's what you are looking for, right?"

I narrowed my eyes at his words. He was definitely right but I'm still unsure about his true intentions. He noticed my silence and started talking again.

"Ok fine... you know me well,y/n, I am manipulative.
...But what I have been telling you here? All of these words I said are true."
He placed his hands on my waist and kept looking at me.

I could never tell what is going on in his mind. No one has ever understood Douma, he has never had meaningful relationships nor friendships and people know that, yet he still manages to trick them into believing him. He's the wolf in sheep's clothing, he uses his bubbly personality as a decoy, but God... he really is attractive and he knows that.
I believe that he was a leader of a creepy cult in his past life since he's so charismatic... just my impression though.

"I don't trust you" I looked away because I couldn't stand his gaze.

"You don't have to trust me, y/n... But your body knows what you want. The lust in your eyes says it all, you've always looked at me that way...It's undeniable that you are wanting it...
So don't fight it, y/n."
"J-just stop already Douma." I stuttered on my own words.

As I said those words the air suddenly became cold and he had a murderous look on his face. It was the first time I have seen him without his usual smile and it was scary. He wrapped his hand around my neck gently squeezing it and leaned in closer and whispered in my ear:
"Do you...want me to stop?"

I nodded my head since I couldn't speak.

He took hands his hands away from my body and neck, and he was back to being the usual silly Douma. It's crazy how he's so bipolar.

"I will respect your decision, even if you want to end it here." He said sighing as he pretended to be sad, I don't even think a psychopath like him could even feel sadness.

I was still looking away but he grabbed my chin forcing me to look at him.

"I want to see your eyes y/n" I finally looked at him.

"Whenever you change your mind you know where to find me, I won't bother you again until you reach out for me" he gave me a kiss on my cheek and left after that.

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