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Friday finally arrived, you were getting ready for your date with Douma.
You didn't have high expectations knowing the type of guy he is. He is probably going to take you to a fancy restaurant, pay for your meal and then expect some head in return.

You sighed while putting on the pearl earrings that your mother used to wear when she went out with your dad and left your house since Douma was already outside.

He was waiting for you outside of his car checking his phone. As he heard the door close he raised his gaze and his iridescent eyes met yours. He is hot, you have to admit that.

"Woah what a beautiful sight! You look amazing!" He said kissing the top of your hand.

As the gentleman he think he is, he opened the car door for you and after he got in as well he finally started driving.

"So... where are we going?" You were curious to know.
"I'm taking you to a special place, I've never took anyone there so it's going to be exciting sharing this experience with you!" He said cheerfully.

"I've never took anyone there", you don't buy his bullshit, he surely has brought there his other hoes and now you're one of them.

He placed his hand on your thigh and the sudden warm of his hand on your skin made you shiver.
"After that we're going to dinner, what are you craving?"
"Uhm... I don't know... maybe sushi?" You reluctantly answered.
"It's been some time since I last ate sushi so I'm actually in the mood for it." He said without taking his hand off of your thigh.

After 20 minutes you finally arrived at the destination.
The first thing that you see is a temple on the top of a stairway made of stone.

The atmosphere is peaceful but somehow unsettling, this place seems... familiar for some reasons.

We started climbing the stairs. "Pretty nice isn't it? I've randomly discovered this place some years ago and since then I come here now and then." Douma said.

You just hummed in response since there was something uncanny in the air.

After what seemed an eternity you finally entered the temple. Looking at the way it looked you assumed it was abandoned a long time ago and started wondering about the story this magical place hides.

Douma was also incredibly silent, he took you for a tour as if it was his own home.

"What do you think the purpose of this temple was? I mean it doesn't look like any ordinary temple..." you finally broke the silence.
"I don't know actually, it looks like a cult temple... maybe there was a time where people believed that there was a Buddha able of relieving them from their sins."

You wandered around the master bedroom and as you looked out of the window you noticed a small pond with some lotus flowers, they are the only thing alive in this temple.

"I remember you saying you like lotuses." You point out and Douma hugs you from behind.
"You care so much for me you even remember what I like." He said purring in your ear.

You got goosebumps and gently pushed him away, wanting to continue on looking around the temple.

Something caught your attention, you assumed it was a painting but since it was covered with a cloth you weren't sure.

"What's that?" You asked.
"I don't know, I haven't touched any single thing in here, I wanted to preserve this place as much as possible." He simply answered.

Your curiosity got the best out of you and you removed the cloth covering the painting.

You both widened your eyes seeing the revealed frame.

It was a painting of someone who looked scarily similar to you and Douma, looking at the clothes you were wearing you assumed it was from the Taisho Era.

You were both unable to speak, the guy who resembled Douma was wearing a priest-like suit and a hat that looked like a crown, his eyes were the same as his. There was something written on them but you couldn't understand what it was since the painting got ruined by time.

On the other hand the girl in the painting wore a robe similar to his and a smaller crown. Were you his wife in a past life?
You didn't look too happy compared to him who had his usual mischievous smile.

You looked at him like you've just seen a ghost.
"D-Douma... what's that supposed to mean?"
He quickly composed himself as your words wakes him up from his trance but he was as startled as you were.

But then Muzan's words kicked in.
"Y/n... do you believe in reincarnation?"

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