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This chapter takes place after Douma left y/n's place.

Douma scoffed as he arrived at the Kizuki's, the company he's working at. He finally got his chance with you, but that man ruined it. The reason why he called him in was better be good.

He knocked on Muzan's office door and as he entered Muzan was looking at the evening sky from his huge window with his arms crossed.

He wore a black suit and the dark red necktie complimented his eyes and fedora.

"Finally you're here, took you long enough." He spoke without even turning around to face Douma.
"Yeah, I had some business going on..." Douma pouted.
"I don't care about your personal life, whenever I call you in for work you must come here.
I have a new assignment for you."

Kibutsuji sat on his luxurious studio chair as he put his elbows on the desk and entwined his hands hiding his face, only his red eyes showing, but he didn't care enough to look at Douma.
"Remember the two people I had you to kill in a car incident last year?" He paused.
"They were y/n parents, you remember her right?"

Douma was a little taken aback from what his boss just told him.
"Y/n... as in y/n Tsugikuni?" Muzan finally got his attention.

"Exactly, turns out her mother is a relative of the doctor who discovered the Blue Spider Lily... I need you to get in touch with her and find out if she knows where that flower is. I'm sure her mother has given her gardening lessons since she was the owner of that famous flower boutique across the street.
Do you think I can trust you with this job?"

Douma smirked knowing he would get a huge reward.
"Consider it already done, I was actually at her place before coming here."

Muzan raised an eyebrow at his statement, he seemed pleased with what he had just heard. He finally turned around and locked his eyes with Douma.
"You're getting useful lately, I'm counting on you. Don't disappoint me, Upper Two.
You may leave now."

His gaze was annoyed as usual since Douma is the only one who isn't afraid of him, he despised him but unfortunately he needs him to do all the dirty work under his command.

As Douma was about to leave the room Muzan's words stopped him.

"Do you believe in reincarnation, Douma?"

He turned around and looked at his boss, his finger tapped his lips as he was thinking about an answer.
"Mhmm that's a weird question..." he paused.
"But if I had to answer... probably yes. May I ask what's the reason of this sudden question?"He continued.

"You said you were at her place before... have you noticed anything similar to hanafuda earrings? Her last name and those earrings seems to be somehow connected." Muzan laid his back on his chair as he analyzed Douma's body language in case he was trying to lie in his face.

Douma tried to remember if he had ever seen something similar.
"Hanafuda earrings you say huh... I think I saw them exposed as a framework on the entrance wall... they actually sent me a chill down the spine not gonna lie, but I thought it was just me being eager to fuck her so I ignored that feeling."

Muzan wanted to know why him the member of the Kizuki's felt that way towards a stupid pair of earrings.

"What does that have to do with reincarnation anyway? Do you think she killed you in your past life or what?" Douma laughed and Muzan glared at him.

"I need you to ask her about what she knows about the earrings, don't make her suspect of anything. And most importantly, don't grow too fond of her, after you gather enough informations I want you to get rid of her. And if you don't I'll have someone else do it, got it?"

Muzan knows Douma can't feel anything, especially love, so what could go wrong?
It's a simple task for him after all, he just had to make some chick fall in love with him and trust him... he has done it many times before.

Douma took some time before answering, which made Muzan feel like he was rethinking his choice.

"Yes sir." And with that said, he left.

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