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After a while you received Giyuu's text.

Sanemi informed me of that book of yours, I'm omw.

Your heart was pounding. You were so overwhelmed about seeing him again so you decided to clear your mind clinging up your home since he was going to arrive any minute soon.

After 10 minutes you heard the doorbell and rushed to the door.

"Hey..." he said awkwardly.
He was wearing a white button up shirt with his sleeves rolled up.

"Come in." You said while gently smiling at him hiding the fact that you were drooling all over the floor.

"So what about that book?" He sat on the couch as if it were his home.
"Right... I don't know why but Douma is incredibly interested in this book." You said while handing it to him.

"Mhm... mind if I take some pictures?" He didn't even look at you as he was turning the pages, he was probably ashamed of what happened in his office.
"Yeah sure..."  you said while sitting next to him.

"So... how did your date with him go?" He asked reluctantly.
"We discussed about some things but then Muzan called him, I noticed that he always calls him whenever Douma is out with me."

"Some things like what?" He totally ignored the fact that Muzan is basically trying to keep Douma as far as he can from you since he knows he has feelings for you, but at the same time he needed him to be with you in order to make his plan work. Someone like Giyuu would've already come to that conclusion but his mind was fogged at that moment.

"None of your business." You rolled your eyes.
"Remember that I'm still your teacher so show some respect even if we're outside school." He said sternly. You knew how to piss him off.

"Yeah... a teacher that fucks his student while having a girlfriend..." you crossed your arms and looked away.
"Don't start with it again, y/n." You could feel his deep blue eyes on you.

"Or what?" You teased him.
"Fuck off y/n, don't even think about it." He said scoffing.

"It's so unprofessional of a teacher to be at a student's house... and not just any student... a student that he fucks." You teased him even more.

"You know it was a mistake y/n, I don't wanna talk about it."
"So you're saying you wouldn't fuck me right here and now? You're saying that you aren't jealous of Douma?"
"Exactly." He clenched his jaw.

"Then why do you want to know what we talked about?"
"It could be useful for our investigation."
"I assure you it isn't."
"You seem like you're trying to protect him, you're acting sketchy y/n." He said while getting up and so did you.

"I hope you studied for Monday's exam, I'm going to be harsher with your grades from now on. And don't even think about saying what happened between us because no one will believe you." He was so close to your lips that you could feel his body heat. You wanted to kiss him so bad but at the same time you didn't want to.

"I know what you're thinking of..." he said while putting his hands on your waist, bringing you closer to him.

"You should start to put your mind at peace y/n. You and I will never be together." He whispered in your ear while nibbling it causing you to let a moan out of your mouth.

"Then what are we?" You asked while putting your arms around his neck, playing with his hair.
"We are nothing, you're my student and I'm your teacher. I see you're having fun with that despicable human being so why do you keep coming back to me?" He asked while brushing his nose on your neck.

"Me? You're the one that texted me to come to your office and then fucked me, you're the one who is doing all this shit to me right now, you're the one who was trying to stop me from seeing Douma, and now you're saying that I'm the one coming back to you?" You pushed him away but his hands were strongly holding your waist.

"It shouldn't have turned out that way that day, but you're so stubborn I had to teach you a lesson." He was dangerously close to your lips but you didn't want to give in.

You brushed your lips against his. He lifted you up and pinned you to a wall.

"What game are you playing y/n? You try to kiss me while "dating" Douma, you're even more disgusting than him." He chuckled.
You raised an eyebrow. "Look who's talking."

"Oh so since I'm a cheater you want to be one as well? You're so dedicated to make me like you huh." You could feel his bulge against your crotch.

The sexual tension was skyrocketing.

"I have to go now, see you at school princess." He mocked the way Douma calls you. "Oh and I'm taking this book with me if that's not a problem."

"Yeah sure so you can have an excuse to come back here of to meet me in your office." You smirked.

"Whatever, see you at school." He said before giving you a forehead kiss.

A goddamn forehead kiss.

You were so stunned that you didn't answer back, you just watched him go away.

Her obsession (Giyuu x reader)Where stories live. Discover now