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I narrowed my eyes when I saw Giyuu standing in front of me. I was confused as hell.
I slammed the door on his face but he managed to stop it from closing with his foot.

"What do you want now?" I clenched my fists as I was avoiding looking at him.
"May I come in so that we can talk?" He simply said and I nodded my head.

He noticed the food on the table and had a confused face.
"Were you waiting for someone else?" He asked curiously just to earn a "none of your business" as an answer.

"Now tell me how you got my number and address, are you some sort of stalker?" I said raising my eyebrow.
"I looked through your archive and found 'em, if you had answered my text I wouldn't have come here." He said sitting on the couch.

"Mhm you also got some wine here... just tell me who were you waiting for y/n." He said staring into my eyes.
"It's Douma isn't it?" He then continued but I didn't answer him.
"I'll take your silence as a yes then, you're pretty determined into disobeying me huh? I told you to not hang up with him." He added.

"Just tell me why are you here since he's about to arrive any minutes now." I rolled my eyes.
"Are you avoiding me y/n? Why didn't you come to school today?"
"You're so full of yourself to think that I didn't come because of you" I laughed in his face.

He then got up from his seat and towered over me grabbing my wrist. We were awfully close and my heartbeat increased.

"Tell me or your grades are gonna resent it." He said sternly and I gulped.
I can't afford to fail any class since it's the last year of school so I gave up and told him the reason why I wasn't at school.

"Mhm I see... I'm sorry about your loss y/n, I want you to understand that I still care about you even after what happ-" he stopped as we heard the doorbell ring.

"Shit... hide yourself somewhere, there's a storage room in the kitchen." I said panicking and he understood that it wasn't the case to let Douma see him inside of my house.

The doorbell rang again and I rushed to the door to open it.

"Heyyy, sorry for being late but I had some troubles finding a parking lot, there's this big ass BMW in front of your house that occupies two parking spots... wonder who the hell taught that person to drive..." he said annoyed and I giggled since I knew that that was Giyuu's car.

"It's ok, come in." I said with a smile on my face ignoring the fact that I was about to explode.

As he entered he took a look at my small apartment and complimented it.

"Nice place you got here... wait did you make this for me?" He said pointing to the food tray.
"Yeah, it's rude to have guests over without any food don't you think?" I said while I sat on the couch and invited him to sit next to me.

He was strangely nervous even though he tried to mask it.

"So tell me, why did you decide to call me?" He said while he poured the wine in the glasses.

God I really hope Giyuu can't hear what we're talking about.

"Well... I thought about what you told me last time we saw each other and I decided to give you a try and see how things go." I said as I took the glass to my mouth and took a small sip of wine.

"I see... any other reasons? Honestly I thought you finally decided to confess to that scumbag and he rejected you." He said laughing.

Indeed that's how it went but I didn't want to tell him yet.

"Let's say I decided that for my own good it's best to focus on someone else." I chucked nervously.
"Mhm then I'm lucky that I'm the one you chose." He smirked.

"I'm surprised about it though." He paused as he manspread his legs. "I never thought that a good girl like you would chose me of all the guys around... especially with all the fake news on my persona." He continued.

"What do you mean fake news?" I asked confused and he chucked.
"If I told you you wouldn't believe me." He chucked again. "I'm a virgin at my big age, could you believe that?" His chuckle transformed into a laugh.

Him? A virgin?

I bursted out laughing at his statement.

"Hey... that's not funny you know, you're a virgin as well after all." He pouted.
"I might've kissed a lot of girls but I never went further than foreplay, I'm picky with my partners you know." He continued.

I was so confused about his statement, I've always seen him as a womanizer so it's difficult for me to believe him.

I stared at my empty glass and he put his hand on my thigh.

"Seems like I've altered your perception of me huh" he chucked.
"It's just that... I'm confused. Are you being for real or...?" I asked.
"I'm 100% honest." He said seriously.

After that he leaned in closer and we were about to kiss but someone called him on his phone.
"Ugh it's Muzan... I'm sorry but I have to take this call." He said annoyed as he answered.
"Mhm fine I'll be there in 10..." he rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry but I have to go, something happened at the company I'm working at and since I'm the second in command I have to be there... I'll make up for you though, have you ever been on a date?" He asked as he got up and put on his jacket.
"Mhm not really, why?" I asked clueless since I didn't think that he would actually ask me out.

"Then don't make any plans on Friday, I'm going to take you to my favorite spot. I'll text you later the time I'm going to pick you up, now I really have to hurry... you know how demanding Muzan is." He sighed after he spoke and gave me a kiss on the forehead and winked at me before heading out of the house.

I was frustrated since I thought that this appointment would've ended in another way.
I had so many overburdening thoughts that I didn't realize Giyuu was leaning against the kitchen's door frame looking at me with his arms crossed.

Her obsession (Giyuu x reader)Where stories live. Discover now