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You felt Giyuu's lips on yours and didn't know how to react. It took you a few seconds to realize what was going on before kissing him back.

Soon the kiss became more passionate and he gently pinned you to the wall while continuing kissing you.

You gave your first kiss.
To your teacher.
In a bathroom stall.

It wasn't how you imagined it but you didn't care. He pressed his body against yours as he held you close to him by your waist. Soon he stopped because he was out of breath.

"Y/n..." he whispered between your lips before kissing you again. His hands slowly moved down until he reached your ass and gave it a squeeze making you blush.

As he realized what he was doing he stopped and stepped away from you.

"I-I'm sorry, y/n... but this will have to stop" he said not looking at you.
"But-" he didn't make you finish your phrase that he started speaking again.
"You gotta move on and start focusing on your studies..." his words made you look down.

"Look at me y/n... don't make me force you to look at me..." he said and you slowly raised your gaze on him.
"Promise me that you'll behave better from now on, stop skipping school and start studying... and one last thing." He paused. "...Please stay away from me a bit if you can, alright?"

You widened your eyes in disbelief.
"You can't ask me that! Not now that we kissed!" Your eyes started to get watery.
"Please... I just want to make this easier for you, I'll tell the principal to give your class a new gym teacher so that you won't have to look at me again."

A tear fell from your right eye and he wiped it off with his thumb.
"And please... don't tell anyone about what happened here, alright?" He whispered in your ear and you nodded your head knowing it was the best thing to do since you didn't want to ruin his job.

"We should leave now, you'll go first so that if someone sees you no one will suspect anything." He said while opening the door and you left without saying a word.

You went home and did nothing but sleep all day so that you wouldn't thing about it, luckily it was your day off from work.

Y/n's pov

The next school day passed strangely quickly. It was time to head home but I decided to go at his office first.

I knocked on the door and when I heard a "come in." I opened the door and went inside.
"Y/n... what are you doing here?" He asked perplexed.
"I just want to ask you a question... did you enjoy the kiss?" I said while keeping my eye contact with him.
He stayed quiet for a moment and cleared his throat before answering.

"Uh... yes I did." He said with a nervous tone.
"Then why can't we do it more often? Even if we can't be a couple... if you enj-" he stopped me.
"Enough talking y/n, I told you that I can't be with you... wait it's not like I can't... I don't want to." He said coldly.
"B-but why? I promise I won't say a word to no one... don't tell me you have a girlfriend." I crossed my arms and he looked away.

"You don't have a girlfriend... right?..." I asked again this time afraid that his answer would be positive.
"Well... kinda..." he didn't have the courage to look at me in the eyes.

"You have a girl and you still kissed me?!" I tried not to scream so that the others wouldn't hear our conversation from the hall but it was really hard to control my emotions.
"Listen I kissed you because I thought it would've helped you moving on since you finally gave your first kiss to me, besides I'm still a teacher at this school and you're a student, so this can't happen, okay?" He said with his usual cold face.

"Please y/n... move on from me, it's for your own good." This time he was more caring while talking.
"I can't... I've tried for three years now..." I could feel tears forming in my eyes.

He sighed before talking again.
"Look, y/n... There's no other way to say this, but... I have no feelings for you"

I felt my heart crushing in one hundred pieces.

"Then why did you kiss me" i clenched my fists still trying to not cry.
"Y/n, it was mostly just in the heat of the moment" I could feel he was ashamed of what he did.

"You warned me to stay away from Douma but you're no different from him." Those were my last words to him before leaving his office slamming the door behind me.

Giyuu's POV

I let her go knowing she's heartbroken.
I'm sorry for the way I talked to her but it was the only way to make her lose feelings quickly.

I'll deal with that later, now the real problem is Shinobu.
What am I going to do now? I don't think she suspects anything but the more the days pass the more guilty I'll feel.

Luckily she's a doctor so I don't see her much often but I can't pretend like nothing happened with y/n.

To be honest, y/n match the prototype of girl I like, indeed if she wasn't my student I would've already hit on her but luck doesn't seem to be on my side.
While Shinobu...

Let's say that she was the only girl that despise my personality still tried to talk to me at college, that's how we got together even though I didn't like her annoying teasing at all.

If only y/n wasn't my student...

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