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It was Monday so that meant only one thing.
You had class with Giyuu and he already warned you about how he was going to be harsher with you from now on.

You didn't exactly know what to expect, you were so lost in thought that you didn't even noticed Mitsuri greeting you.

You smiled at her gently as you greeted her back, you two have lost contact since she got with Obanai and you... let's say that your life was different now.

"Are you ready for Mr. Tomioka's test? I'm honestly kinda scared since we still have less than two months left of school and he always make things harder during this period" she was worried as usual.

You didn't even had time to answer her back that Giyuu entered with a bunch of papers that he quickly distributed around the class.

"Don't waste any time and good luck." He said sternly.

The test wasn't as hard as you thought, but he wouldn't look away from you for not even a second, which made things difficult for you.

You looked up at him and observed how he was sitting on his chair with his usual stoic face, tapping his fingertips on the desk as he kept on looking at you.

The tension was unbearable, you couldn't concentrate at all and he knew it.

You took a deep breath as you finished your exam just in time since the school-bell has just rang.

You all got up and handed him back the exams and when it was your turn he accidentally brushed his hand against yours in order to grab your answer sheet.

"Okay class, I'll see you on Thursday." and with that said he left the class.

"Is it just me or was the test kinda easy?" Mitsuri asked and you hummed in answer while you were heading towards your next lesson.

You were so overwhelmed by thoughts that the day itself went kinda fast and it was already nigh-time.

You had nothing better to do so you decided to go to the bar down the road since you wanted to distract yourself a little.

The bar was surprisingly nearly full and you got lucky by finding a place to sit near the countertop.

As you were waiting for ordering a drink you felt stared at, but none of the faces were familiar until someone approached you.

"What is a beautiful girl like you doing here alone?" The strange man asked.

He instantly made you felt uncomfortable, but you calmed yourself down as you felt his touch.

"Get away from my girlfriend." Giyuu said as his hand was resting on your shoulder, watching the man leave pissed.

You felt slightly giddy over the fact that he referred to you as his girlfriend, the word making a small thrill run through your body.

He waited a few second before talking again, waking you up from your trance.
"What do you think you're doing now?"

You noticed he was with another man you've never seen, he had pinkish hair and a scar on his face. He was smiling at you and seemed like a genuine person.

"So? Are you going to answer or what?" Giyuu asked irritated.

"What do you want now? Weren't you supposed to leave me alone?" You answered back with his same attitude.

"Can't you comprehend that you cannot go out without Sanemi? Especially at night? Only God knows what would've happened if I weren't here." He continued to ask with his usual cold face.

"Ooh so she's the girl that's fake-dating Douma?" The peach-haired boy asked, making you understand that he's Giyuu's colleague.

"Indeed, are you supposed to meet him here?" Giyuu continued to ask glaring at you.

"I just wanted to relax a little and now I have to sit through another of your lectures" you rolled your eyes while talking. "No, I'm here alone" you then answered him.

"Do you mind waiting here while I talk to her in private, Sabito?" Giyuu asked his friend and he simply nodded his head.

Giyuu firmly took your wrist and guided you through the pile of people inside of the bar until you were out.

He lighted a cigarette on before talking.

"Listen, we don't exactly know what kind of information Muzan has, you can't be seen alone especially when it's dark outside. You never know whenever you're going to get kidnapped by him or whatever. Why are you making things hard for all of us? Why can't you just do as I say for once?"

He tried to hold back his emotions but you could see how angry he was getting.

You didn't answer him, not because you didn't want to but because deep down you knew he was right.

"I'm trying to protect you, y/n. Just because things went different from how you expected that doesn't mean that I don't care about you, you're one of my students after all." He said while smoking leaning against the wall.

You could tell that he was tired, his eyes glanced up at the night sky, his gaze falling on the full moon that hung high overhead.
He was silent for a moment, his gaze fixated on the silver disk. Even to his perpetually apathetic expression the view was beautiful.

"The moon looks beautiful tonight." He said out of nowhere.
"It really does." You agreed with him, looking up at the moon.

"Finally something we both agree on." He said ironically.

"Yeah..." you were embarrassed. You didn't know how to feel about this whole situation.

"This moment reminds me of that time you bumped into me at Douma's party, I always had a feeling you felts some kind of attraction towards me but i wasn't sure." He said and noticed your cheeks were growing red, making him chuckle.

"How did you know?"
"I'm silent but that doesn't mean that I'm naive y/n. The way you looked and still continue to look at me says it all. I'm sorry that things went this far, I had no intention on hurting you. I'm really sorry about that." He looked at you with sincere eyes.

But that doesn't mean that I regret the things we did.

A forbidden thought that a teacher shouldn't have and which no one should ever know.

"Already cheatin' on me?" There he was.
You could recognize this lively yet taunting voice everywhere.
The person you would've last wanted to see right now, Douma.

Her obsession (Giyuu x reader)Where stories live. Discover now