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"Y/n... do you believe in reincarnation?" Those were the only words Douma managed to say.

He didn't seem too disturbed about it, he was pretty chill as usual.
One thing troubled him though, Muzan knows something about this whole thing for sure and the question is... how?

"I don't know... should I?" You were doubtful.
"Wait are you telling me the reason why this temple feels so familiar is because we were the "owners"? Now I understand why I always believed you were a cult leader or something like that in your previous life." You said jokingly trying to ease up the tension.

"Mhm... I guess you could say I am somewhat of a God now and a temple dedicated to me makes sense." He was nonchalant while speaking.

You examined the paining.
"I suppose it's possible we were reincarnated into this world. Maybe we've always known each other in different forms, even in the past, and it was simply destiny that brought us together in this life."

Destiny? Since when do you believe in such things? Besides if your destiny is meant to be with Douma... what about Giyuu?

The connection you felt with him was immediate and you know that Giyuu deep down knows that too, while Douma is... different. You always thought he was handsome but you didn't feel that special connection you felt with Giyuu when you first saw him.

Besides the girl in the paining doesn't seem too happy to be there next to him.

Your mind started wandering thinking about a devious love triangle in which you were forced to marry a priest but a prince saved you instead...

You noticed a red stain on the boy's hair, his look is extravagant and his smile is sinister.
Are those fangs? Why are his nails so sharp? And most importantly... what's up with the unknown kanji in his eyes?

He seemed off, that was no ordinary human being, he looked like a vampire.

"Y/n... are you listening to me?" Douma's voice woke you up from your trance.
"Yeah... I was just analyzing this paining. I think we should head to the restaurant before it's too late." You wanted to leave that place as soon as possible. It was unsettling.


You drank three glass of wine during dinner and you were a little tipsy.
On the ride home you were bold enough to bring Douma's hand to your chest while he was driving which made him almost crash into another car.

"Someone's in the mood." He sneered while putting his hand on your thigh and making small circles on it. His hand was slowly reaching your intimate area.

He knew how to touch a woman and you got wet just by his touch. You were extremely silent, trying to keep yourself together.

You finally arrived in front of your home and opened the car door for you again.
When you got out he pinned you to his car and started nibbling on your neck.

"Should we continue what we were doing before Muzan called me the other day?" He whispered in your ear and you just nodded your head. You felt helpless under his touch.

When you opened the door you expected him to throw you on the bed and fuck you but instead the stared at the earrings you placed as a frame at the entrance.

Douma remembered that he has a job to do, and unless he wanted Muzan to shoot him in the head he had to focus on his assignment.

"I've been wondering to ask... why are those earrings exposed?" He asked seriously.

"Mhm I'm not sure about their story. My father used to tell me how they belonged to a skilled swordsman that lived during the Sengoku Era, he was our ancestor. After he died his earrings and techniques were passed down from generation to generation but the techniques got lost with my grandfather since he didn't want to learn them. I should have a book that explains them but it seems complicated and I'm not even sure if that's something someone can accomplish." You said looking for the book.

"Mind if I take a picture?" Douma asked and you nodded. Why was he so invested in them?

You finally found the book called Hinokami Kagura Chronicles and you started to flip through the pages.

"I've actually never read it... I mean how is someone supposed to do this dance from dusk till dawn? This is total bullshit" You said with a disgusted face.

Your father seemed to be really fond of those earrings and it is the only thing you have left of him so you can't throw them away, plus they're a piece of history.

Hinokami Kagura, or Sun Breathing, is a Breathing Style that mimic the sun and replicate it with the user's movements, techniques, and abilities. All techniques and forms are extremely varied and have no set pattern, making it the most versatile and effective against demons.  Users of Sun Breathing visualize themselves seemingly manipulating solar flames when unleashing its techniques.

Douma's eyes widened while reading that page. Why was he so scared of something that probably doesn't even exist? Plus what do demons have to do with it?

You closed the book since it ruined the mood between you two, but not without Douma taking a picture of the page. It was strange but you didn't question it.

"Should we go to my room?" You asked him, normally you wouldn't give yourself so easily to someone but you were dizzy and he looked mad hot, besides Giyuu basically dumped you.

So Douma got up and finally kissed you.

His kiss was totally different from Giyuu's. You would expect Douma to be more ravenous but instead he was gentle.

Giyuu on the contrary was more passionate, his hands always wandering around your body like he couldn't get enough of you.

Deep down you knew he thinks of you when he kisses his girlfriend wishing it was you.

Thinking of Giyuu made you extremely horny, no man could ever compare to him.
Douma is a close win though, so while you're at it you should make use of him.

You didn't have to think about a thing since the alcohol in your body made your muscle move on their own, so you got on your knees and unzipped his pants.

You have never sucked a dick before and luckily you weren't sober, otherwise you would've just overthought it.

His dick was huge, it was a little shorter than Giyuu's but it was thicker and you didn't even know if it would fit inside of your mouth.

He grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him.
"Y/n you don't know how much I've dreamed of this moment... I'm not a jerk and I know you're drunk, you don't have t-" he stopped talking as he felt your warm tongue on his glans.

You licked his whole length without breaking eye contact and you enjoyed the sounds he made.

His phone started ringing.
"Answer it or I won't suck your dick." You said still teasing his penis with your tongue.

He gulped when he saw that Muzan was calling him and tried to do his best to make his voice as normal as he could while you started sucking it.

"Y-yeah I'm currently working on it, I'll send you the details later." Douma cursed himself for stuttering.

On the other side of the phone Muzan raised his eyebrow, he imagined what was going on. He was disgusted, not because of Douma's sexual life, but because he was getting the same treatment from his secretary Daki.

The thought of them getting a blowjob at the same time made him cringe, so he closed the call without saying anything else.

"You want me to get fired or what?" He exhaled and you giggled.
He picked you up bridal style and laid you to your bed, giving you kisses on your neck.
"You're not going to laugh after what I'm about to do to you." He whispered in your ear.

Her obsession (Giyuu x reader)Where stories live. Discover now