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Mitsuri 🍡:
You should totally come to Douma's party, it'll be fun plus I've heard that Kai is going too 😉

I sighed as I read the message Mitsuri sent me. Douma is not the guy you should trust and going at at his place even if it's just for a party feels... wrong. He always creeps me out with his smile, he looks like a psychopath.

Another message arrived, this time it was from Kai.

Mitsuri told me you're coming to the party... honestly I'm a bit sad you told her first and not me :( anyways I'm picking you up at 11, see you later 😘

I widened my eyes at the message... MITSURI SAID WHAT??? That's when I received another message from her.

Mitsuri 🍡:
You can thank me later bae, I hope you won't get angry over this but I can't see my best friend rot in her bed on a Friday night 🫣

She somewhat was right, I'm still young and I should cherish my youth instead of daydreaming of an impossible love.

I looked at the clock and it was already 9 PM meaning I should already get ready, luckily I've already had dinner.

I decided to wear a black dress with a split on the left thigh. I didn't want to catch unwanted attentions so I opted for a basic yet cute dress.

(It should look something like this, the make up and hairstyle is up to your imagination/liking)

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(It should look something like this, the make up and hairstyle is up to your imagination/liking)

It was almost 11 pm and Kai has already arrived. He waited for me at the door and his mouth widened when he saw me.

"You look stunning." He said almost stuttering witch in turn made me giggle.
"Shall we go?" I asked and he nodded his head.
He took my hand and kissed it and after that he opened the car door and waited for me to get in.

All this time my attention was focused on Giyuu that I didn't realize how nice it it to be courted.

"You look nice as well by the way" I said blushing and looking away at the car window.
"Well I hope I won't make a bad impression standing next to you." He said and we both chucked.

Luckily the ride was short and we arrived after 10 minutes and the embarrassing silence finally came to an end.

"There you are!" Mitsuri waved at us.
She was waiting for us in front of Douma's house and she was with Iguro.
"Woah you really outdid yourself tonight huh?" She winked at me after she checked my outfit.

"You look good as well Mitsuri" I complimented her back.
"Enough mushy stuff with my girlfriend y/n" Iguro said at me jokingly but something tells me that he wasn't joking at all...

We went inside at the party was already popping.
"Finally my two favorite couples arrived!" douma greeted us with arms wide open.

Wait... two couples??? I looked at Kai with a confused face and he shrugged his shoulders confused as well.

"Actually there's only one couple here Douma." I said and Douma's smile turned into a grin.
"Ooh my bad for assuming you were dating the new boy... you wouldn't mind if you passed the night with me then, would you?" He said with a smirk.

That's exactly the reason why I didn't want to go here in the first place.

"Back off Douma, she's not interested in you." Kai jumped into the conversation.
"Chill I was just messing around, by the way there's a special guest at the party... try to find him y/n." Douma laughed as he left leaving me confused... what did he mean by that?

"Are you okay y/n?" Kai asked and I nodded my head in discomfort.
"He always do this so I'm getting used to it unfortunately... let's forget about it and enjoy the night." I said and they all agreed.

We had some drinks and shots and after a while Mitsuri and Obanai were nowhere to be seen (iykyk)

I felt dizzy so I decided to go out in the garden to smoke a cigarette with Kai but when I turned around I noticed he wasn't behind me, he probably got lost between the crowd.

I sighed and sat on the grass trying to light my cigarette up but my lighter didn't work.

"Do you need a lighter?" I froze when I heard his voice.

I looked up at the man who was handing me the lighter and I saw Giyuu standing in front of me.

Her obsession (Giyuu x reader)Where stories live. Discover now