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Narrator POV

When you woke up you noticed that Giyuu has already left.                                                                             
Was it all a dream?

No, it couldn't be. It felt so real. 

You clearly remember falling asleep in his arms while he was stroking your hair, you remember how warm and comfortable his bare body felt under your touch, you even felt his heartbeat beating in your ear.

But most importantly, you remember how he was thrusting inside you just a couple of hours before.

You had your proof looking at the bloodstained bedsheets, unless you got your period earlier that was surely your virgin blood there.

Luckily it was a small stain so when you rinsed it with cold water to get rid of it before putting it in the washing machine it came off easily.

After changing the sheets you sat on your bed looking at the wall in front of you.

Why did he leave?

He knew you were a virgin so he couln't expect much of you, but leaving like that? How vile.

You checked your phone and noticed a message from him.

Hey... sorry for leaving like that but I remembered I had a date with my girlfriend tonight... I ordered you pizza for dinner, I noticed you always get pepperoni pizza whenever there's pizza at lunch so I hope you enjoy it. Remember this was just a one time thing so don't expect anything else happening between us. Please don't text me back since I don't want her to suspect anything and of course don't tell anyone what happened. I hope you'll be understanding y/n.

You stared at the message trying to process what you have just read.

Did he really just took your virginity and left like that? He warned you about Douma but he is just like him, if not worse.

You were about to lose your temper and smash your phone against the wall but then you heard the doorbell ring, it was the delivery guy with the pizza Giyuu paid for... that's the least he could do after how what he did.

You thanked the pizza guy and sat on the couch while eating the pizza. It was good not gonna lie, but it wasn't enough to calm your fury.

Doesn't he feel any remorse for what he did? Fucking his student and then going on a date with his girlfriend like nothing happened...

Worst thing of all you had class with him the next day, so you just decided to go to sleep after taking a shower to try to get rid of how impure you felt for allowing him to touch you like that.

The next day you looked everywhere for Giyuu but couldn't find him anywhere, neither his car was no where to be seen.

That's when the principal entered into your classroom and announced that since Giyuu took a leave from work you could leave an hour earlier since you had his class at the end of the school day.

Weird, he never took a leave in three years you had him as a teacher.

Mitsuri was confused as well but she didn't ask you any question, why should she in the first place... it's not like she knows what's going on between you and him.


After school I went to work as usual.
A beautiful woman with purplish hair neatly tucked into a bun entered.
Her butterfly hairpin is what stood up the most in her outfit.

I greeted her with a smile and asked her how could I help her.

"Just an espresso and a glass of water, please." She returned the smile.

She looks very elegant and polite, if only more customers were like her...

I served her her coffee.
"Anything else?" I then asked her.

"Uhm no... well actually yes... could I tell you something that has been keeping me up all night?" she tried to force a smile but her eyes were sad.

I nodded my head and she started talking about how she thinks that her boyfriend is cheating on her. She said that yesterday he took her to a very fancy restaurant and proposed. She said yes but now she's regretting it because she has a feeling he's cheating and doesn't know how to confront him about it.

I gasped at what she told me. I felt genuinely sorry for her, she seems like a really nice person.

Unlike me... who had sex with a man who I know has a girfriend.

I tried to reassure her and she looked a bit relieved after hearing my words, after that she tipped me a generous amount of money as a thank you and then left.

I wonder if I'll ever see her again and if she'll get the happy ending she deserves.

Her obsession (Giyuu x reader)Where stories live. Discover now