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Giyuu came back home and noticed that Shinobu was already there.

"Hey, you came back earlier today, how come?" He asked her.

It was so strange since she worked as a spy like him and at the same time she was a doctor so she had basically no free time.

"I wanted to spend some time with my future husband." She said as he hugged him.

Giyuu gulped at the way she called him, how could he marry a woman that he cheated on multiple times?

He didn't just cheat physically, but also emotionally. He didn't want to admit that he was starting to develop some feelings for you.

He always noticed how you looked at him at school but he didn't make a big deal, when he was a student he would always hear the girls talking about how hot the male teachers are so he expected something like that now that he's a teacher himself.

He found you attractive, sometimes he wondered what you looked like under the school uniform but he always brushed off those intrusive thoughts.

He was so deep in thought that he didn't even realize that Shinobu was waving her hand in front of his face calling for him.

"Yeah sorry, I was overthinking." He said hinting a small smile trying to reassure her.

"As usual." She sighed. "What were you thinking about?" She then continued.

Giyuu took a glass of water and sat on a a chair in the kitchen followed by Shinobu.

"You know that mission that I talked you about..."

She nodded her head in response.

"There's this girl, she's my student, and in order to make the plan work she has to date Douma."

Shinobu widened her eyes, he couldn't believe that a young girl is in a dangerous mission like that.

"Please tell me you're joking, remember what that fucker did to my sister? You can't put at risk a girl's life like that!" She stated.

You knew she was right, but what she didn't know is that you would've killed Douma with your own hands if he dared to hurt you.

"Yeah but this time is different, Douma always had a soft spot for her, that's why I chose her..."

Cursed be the day wherein he made that decision, he didn't think that it would affect him so much.

"If you say so... by the way, what do you have in the bag?" She said pointing it.

"It's a book that she had at home. She said that Douma was disturbingly interested in it so maybe we could do some research." He said without even thinking that he basically claimed that he was at your place.

Shinobu raised an eyebrow.
"You were at your student home? Weren't you afraid that someone could see you entering inside her home?"

"She gave it to me at school" he rapidly answered back. The way he answered made Shinobu suspicious.

"Can I see a picture of her?" It was a trap question, why would he have a picture of you?

He was so overwhelmed that he didn't think about it and showed her your profile picture and she took a quick glance at your messages but luckily he deleted the incriminated messages.

Her feeling that he was cheating on her with you rose, only to drop off a few seconds after when she saw your picture.

"Wait, I know her!" She exclaimed.
"Wait, how do you know her?" Giyuu was extremely confused and uncomfortable.

"I once took a coffee at the cafe she works at and we chatted a little, she seems like a nice girl, are you sure you want to put her life at danger like that? It's not about Douma that I'm afraid of but Muzan." She expressed her concern while Giyuu was getting nervous.

"I don't think that Muzan will hurt her in any way, he definitely knows something that we don't and I'm sure that he needs her and this book as well."

And he was indeed right.

That night Douma sneaked into your home while you were asleep in order to find that damn book, but he failed.

He started to think that you aren't so naive as he thought, perhaps that you're working with someone else in order to frame him?

He didn't want to jump to conclusions yet but he knew that from now on he had to put his feelings aside if he wanted to get out of this situation unharmed.

Her obsession (Giyuu x reader)Where stories live. Discover now