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Third person pov

Giyuu started following you until he noticed you entered the girls bathroom.

"I might just need to wait until y/n leaves the bathroom." he thought.
He was still trying his best not to do any unexpected or suspicious moves. He kept his body language calm and his face remained expressionless while looking at the bathroom door.

He was about to leave since you wouldn't exit the bathroom but he stopped when he heard someone crying inside.

"Hm... is this y/n crying in the bathroom stall? What is happening with her?" he thought to himself.

He then decided to  enter the bathroom and knock slightly on the bathroom stall door where he heard the crying.
"Y/n? Are you doing alright?" he calmly asked you. His tone was still calm but his face was worried.

As you heard the knock you stopped crying and wiped the tears off with your sleeve.
"Yeah I'm fine." You said trying not to sob.

"It doesn't sound like you are fine y/n. I know something is wrong with you, I could hear you cry." he calmly said.

"Is it okay if I enter y/n?" He added.

You widened your eyes at his question but couldn't help but open the door.
He walked in closer towards you but still kept some distance to not make things awkward.

"What's the matter y/n? Don't lie to me..." he said in a calm but serious tone.
"It's complicated..." you look down while playing with the hem of your school uniform skirt.
"Don't be vague y/n, tell me what's wrong." Giyuu suddenly said.

You sighed before answering him.
"There's someone I like... but I'm 99% sure they don't like me back..."

Giyuu quickly picked up on what you were trying to tell him and he suddenly understood the reason behind your weird and nervous behavior these past days.
"Don't tell me it's me..." he thought.
He then let out a small sigh.

"I see.. so you like someone, but you do not think that that person actually likes you back, is that correct y/n?" he asked you in a calm and understanding tone. He was trying his best to not think like the one you liked is him.

You nodded your head as he continued talking.

"Hm... and the person you like is someone close to you and you interact with that person daily, right?"
Giyuu's words were slowly making it clearer to him as to who you are talking about, it is just that Giyuu is still not sure if you're talking about him or not. His voice and tone remain calm, and he was still keeping the eye contact with you.

"Yeah... I guess you could say that" you shyly answered.

As you were answering that, the pieces of the puzzle in Giyuu's mind started to connect together. He knew there was only one person you could be talking about, and this was making his mind become more overwhelmed with questions. He was almost sure you were talking about him, but what if you were just trying to throw him off and you're talking about someone else that fits the profile that you gave Giyuu?

Giyuu started over-thinking and he seemed to be having a hard time keeping his face expressionless now.

He stayed quiet for a few seconds as he was still trying to figure out if you were talking about him or not. He was starting to lose his patience but he tried to calm himself down.
Suddenly, he decided to take a deep breath and to ask a very important question.

"Do you have a crush on me, y/n?" he asked calmly. His tone was still calm but you could now notice a slight shift in his tone.

You widened your eyes and started panicking as Giyuu asked you that question, and that confirmed to him that you were indeed talking about him this whole time.

Giyuu stayed calm, even though he was starting to get a little embarrassed and nervous.

He looked at you and said: "So you do have a crush on me..."
"H-how d-did you know?" You stuttered on your own words.
"You left me enough hints y/n. I could tell that you were talking about me the whole time." Giyuu calmly replied with a small smile.

Giyuu paused for a few seconds. Then he added:
"Well, I am flattered y/n, but unfortunately I cannot date my students." he said in a calm, gentle manner. He then took a deep breathe and continued: "I have so much responsibilities to deal with, and I cannot date my students anyway, it is unprofessional."

"It's ok, I already knew that it would have ended like that..." you said trying to not cry again.
Giyuu looked at you and he felt kinda upset.

"Hey... I am sorry y/n, but I hope you understand why I cannot date you." he said calmly and hugged you.
You sinked your face in his chest and you started crying again.
"I'm really sorry y/n, I didn't want to be the one to break your heart..." he said while caressing your hair.

Suddenly someone entered the bathroom and you both jumped in surprise.

Giyuu quickly put his hand over your mouth so you wouldn't make any noises.
Turns out it was the cleaning lady who entered into the bathroom to check it.
"Looks clean, I won't waist my time here then" she said and finally left.

You and Giyuu held eye contact for the whole time and after you heard the door close you sighed in relief.

"That was close..." he said removing his hand from your mouth but was still hugging you.

He tried to ignore the tension he feels in his mind right now, because if he starts overthinking the situation he is stuck in right now with you, he might get nervous.

"I have to tell you something y/n... after you left the party I went to talk to Douma about why he named me special guest and we had a talk about a student of mine who has a crush on me... he didn't tell me it was you but he said that he will eventually come for her after I reject her... I need you to be careful around him y/n, his words may seem genuine but he'll end up hurting you even more than me." Giyuu said while his hands were still on your waist.

"Oh I already know that... he came to the café I work at and we had a talk about how he thinks he is the perfect man for me..."
"Promise me you won't do anything with him y/n." He said sternly.

"Why should I? I've been rejecting every single guy for the past three years because I wanted to be with you, I probably am the only person in this school who hasn't even given the first kiss yet!" You were angry at his request, how dared him reject you yet still not wanting you to be with someone else?

"You haven't had your first kiss... because of me?..." Giyuu said shocked as you looked away feeling like a loser.

He grabbed your chin so that you were forced to look at him and then placed his soft lips on yours.

Her obsession (Giyuu x reader)Where stories live. Discover now