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When you woke up the next day you were surprised to see Douma still in your bed.
At least he didn't leave like that idiot.

You couldn't believe you had sex with Douma.
You don't remember much but one thing is sure, you were thinking of Giyuu the whole time.

You imagined Giyuu giving you backshots instead of Douma, and every time you faced him you would close your eyes still thinking of Giyuu fucking you.

You carefully got out of the bed trying to not wake him up and took a shower.

After you were done with it you went back to your room and Douma was on his phone texting someone, probably his next victim.

"Good morning beautiful." He said giving you a kiss on the forehead.
"Good morning." You simply answered back, not too happy of him being still in your bed.

"So tell me the truth Douma, were you really a virgin? Because you didn't seem like one." You asked suddenly and it made him laugh.
"Yeah you got me... but since I never came while having sex I always considered me as a virgin. You're the first one who made me cum you know." He said like it was a normal thing to lie about, luckily you didn't lose your virginity to him.

"I'm sorry for lying to you y/n... I hope you can understand." He said with a puppy face, which you didn't buy. He thought he could fool you like that.
"I'm actually not a virgin as well." You said shrugging your shoulders.

"Oh so now you're coming at me for this little lie? Listen I don't want to build our relationship on lies so let's just be honest from now on alright?." He was pissed, it was early in the morning and he didn't want to start the day by arguing.

You raised your eyebrow. "What relationship?"
"The one we're building? Aren't we dating?" He asked.
"Are we? I thought we could be something more like friends with benefits." You were blunt with your answer.

He sat on the bed, his naked chest showing. "Friends with benefits? Is that all that you want from me? I don't think I can do that, y/n. Why can't you just be my girlfriend?"

"I don't trust you, besides I'm not ready for a relationship yet."
"Yeah but if that rat asked you to be his girlfriend you would say yes in a heartbeat." He scoffed.

He was right, you would.

He sighed.
"I know I was a dick to you, y/n, but just think of it like this. If we were to be a couple, then I guess you could have both the benefits of a boyfriend and the benefits of a fuck buddy." You didn't answer him and just sat on your bed with your arms crossed, watching the wall in front of you.

"Admit it then, y/n. That was the only time you ever felt wanted, wasn't it? When I touched you and your body did all of those weird things... you felt like you were actually wanted, for once." His tone was cocky, he wanted to get a reaction out of you, and he did.

You were getting angry.
"What part of I'm not ready for a relationship don't you understand?"

"So you think it's funny when I tell you my feelings, y/n?" He sounded annoyed.
"Just forget that I said that."

And with that said he got up and started getting dressed and after that he left.

In his car he realized that he fucked up since he still had to ask you about the Blue Spider Lily, but the informations he got yesterday on the earrings and the Hinokami Kagura will certainly save his ass.


After Douma told Muzan all he discovered he wanted to ask him about the reincarnation thing.

"Well, in its simplest form, reincarnation is the belief that after death, a person's soul is reborn into a new body and will relive a different life. This cycle of death and rebirth can repeat itself over and over again. There are many different beliefs and theories about reincarnation, but all share the basic idea of death and rebirth. Have you ever experienced a deja-vu? You may retain memories or feelings from your past life in your new life, which could explain the deja-vu feeling. I won't tell you anything more than that, just know that this isn't our first time meeting, Upper Two." Kibutsuji said with a sly smile, meaning there was something more that he didn't want to reveal.

Upper Two, Upper Two, Upper Two... those words ringed something familiar in Douma's ears.

After his shift he decided to go to the temple again looking for answers.

That's when he came across the painting. He finally understood what was written in his eyes.

Upper Two.

So he indeed was a demon in his past life... well that explains a lot of things.
He didn't know how to feel about it.
He looked for more books in the temple but none was useful, the only resourceful thing was the book you have in your house.

He had to make it up to you since he wasn't doing it for his job anymore, but because he was genuinely curious about this whole demon thing and he started to develop some serious feelings about you.


At school you were incredibly silent, you didn't even talk to Mitsuri. You've been ignoring her for the past few days but luckily she was understanding, besides she had her own things going on with Obanai as well.

You sat silently at the cafeteria when you heard your phone buzz with a notification.

Come to my office after class.

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