You Monster.

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"Uhm, a pet?" i said
"I dont want to a be a dumb pet." i added

"Ill make you one anyways." he replied with a smirk on his lips

"What the fuck, Fuck off!" i snarled

Then he grabbed my wrist dragging me to his car i struggled against him i was pulling and kicking
i tried to unlock the car and get out but i couldn't because of the dumb child lock.

i started to kick bills seat repeatedly

"God, fucking damn it. STOP ANNE!" he groaned Annoyed

"Nah, i dont want too." i said continuing to kick his seat

a few minutes later we arrived at a huge black mansion

i was looking at it untill Bill grabbed my wrist and dragged me inside again.

"Why don't you just let me go?" i said

"theirs no fun in that princess " he replied

He pushed me on a seat leaning against the wall watching me
then went up to Me and kissed me roughly
i groaned in disgust pulling away

"Dont pull away." he snapped

then he tried to kiss me again until a girl came running to him and was pulling on his clothes and trying to kiss him
bill slapped her causing her to fall and he grabs out his gun and points it at her
"Bill Stop dont kill her!" i said looking at the gun

"Why should i listen to a slut Like you?" he said laughing then he shot her
my eyes widen slightly hearing the bang ringed in my ear

"You seriously Have a fucking problem!" i said

he just laughed

"Plus, i have you right?" i said

"Im not yours." i said

"I'll make you mine" he said

"You wish." i said

i seen the door and i ran for it i was outside running away i hoped he wouldn't catch me. it was raining but that didn't stop me
i heard his heavy boots he was behind me i was running untill a car came by and i stopped quickly i had a fear of dying.

a hand grabbed my wrist and i turned around to see bill
"you need to stop running princess." he said

"Yeah right." i snarled

he grabbed me by my waist
"your all wet too." he said
bring me back inside by my wrist dragging me like always now.

"Your a man slut."i said

"Say that again?" i asked

"Your a fucking man slut." i replied.
he pushed me against a wall i was dizzy
"Dont ever call me that again."

Bill grabbed my waist looking in my eyes

"You need a puishment." he chuckled His voice was low, cold

"Im not a fucking child" i snarled

"But your a pet right?"

"Fuck you!! You.. you MONSTER!" i said

"You want me to show you monster?"

he started to kiss me His hands roaming my body i tried to pull away i couldn't i was weak he was strong  for a emo.

i was giving up untill
a  girl walked in she looked like a stripper
"Uhm, bill what are you doing?" she said
bill turned around still holding me by my waist

"Thats none of your business, i need to go Do something Watch Anne for me." he said leaving i wondered where he was going
after i lefted i hitted a wall over and over

"Am i falling for Her? No.. Shes just a stupid pet.. " i mumbled to myself

"Why am i so dumb for falling for a Stupid woman.. The least time i fell for a woman Tom.. He shot her infront of me In the heart.. i loved her.. i miss her short curly dyed red hair.. her soft lips.. her touch.. "

i mumbled to myself then i went back to them.)


she walked towards me
"Are you hurt ?" she asked looking at my body for any marks

"No.. im fine." i said looking at her
she was kinda Hot..
"Uhm, Whats your name?" i asked
"Its Evelyn." i said
"I like your name.." i said smiling slightly
"Oh thank you!, i like yours too." she replied
she grabbed out alcohol from the cabinet and poured her a glass

"Want some?" she asked in a soft calm voice

"No im fine." i replied

she drank some then bill came back.
and grabbed me by my waist i pulled away
"stop resisting me Anne." he said
i kept quiet while Evelyn was getting drunk

"Anwser me Anne!" he snapped
his grip tighting on my waist

i seen Tom come in and kiss eveyln
im was pretty Sure that was Toms 'Pet'
then tom looked at me then looked away holding evelyns waist Making out with her

then i replied to bills question

"why should i?" i said

(Write any idea you may want me to add!:3)

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