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After a few days, nothing shocking i woke back up. Your fucking kidding me!— i cant escape him !

i was sitting on the couch, thinking as i tried to focus on the movie, Bills head was on my shoulder, as his chest rose and rose down as he slept. it was dead slient other then the movie playing, They told me Bill changed, but Georg was watching me still making sure i didn't run off,or commit once more.

Bills hands were wrapped around my waist lazily, holding onto me tightly. I letted out a soft sigh before putting my chin on his head. "Bill." i whispered, shaking him lightly,
He groaned, "What?" he murmured

"Im getting tired, can we at least sleep in a bed?" i asked

"Mhmmphh.." he hummed as he got up, holding my hand as he leaded me to his bedroom, i shut the door behind us. walking over to his bed, bill motioned me to lay on his chest, i hesitated but laid down on his chest— basically cuddling, he wrapped his arms around me once more as we fell asleep together

in his arms, i felt safe again. Escaping all of my pain, despite being safe, a nightmare came


I woke up feeling frizzy. I rubbed my eyes feeling tingly, I felt something crawling on my skin. i looked down to see my hands boney, Wormy. Worms. Crawling all over me, Eating. at. my. skin. I rushed to a mirror, looking at myself. my eyes were black out but i could still see. I continued to look at my body, i lifted up my shirt seeing a huge hole in my stomach maggots in the hole. i screamed. then i looked away at a wall seeing the words 'Maggots got your baby' i knew it wasn't true but i wanted to cry.

then i woke up

I sat up fast breathing heavily, I covered my face with my hands. trying to forget my dream. I laid back down on Bills chest, taking a deep breath. i held my stomach, thinking about what my baby would look like. i felt tears rolling down my cheekbones, i sobbed into Bills chest.

My sobbing caused Bill to wake up

"Hey, whats the matter ?" he said worried as he wiped my tears away with his thumb

"I had a nightmare about you know.. our child." i murmured before breaking down into tears.

"Its okay, your gonna be okay. My girl, try to calm down, or get a drink of water." he replied
he caressed my cheek with one hand and the other running his fingers through my hair

"Bill.. is it my fault? did i drink and smoke while i was pregnant? i didn't know, i cant remember.."

"No, my girl. You were starving yourself, but you didn't know that at the time." he reassured,
his eyes softened as he looked at me

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