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after he kissed my scars he looked up at me i looked into his dark brown eyes i actually seen emotion behind them bill grabbed my hand and kissed it softly it like he was actually trying to change

Bill got closer to my face and kissed me i kissed him back he slowly placed his hands on my hips giving me butterflies i putted my hands on both sides of his cheeks Bill pulled on my shirt i stopped him with my hand he looked at me

"Uncomfortable love?" he said softly

"No, let me do it myself.." i said looking up at him

he smirked watching me slowly taking off my shirt i was glad that no one was home right now they were Obviously at a another party
bills hands roamed my stomach touching every part of my skin showing right now i moved a piece of my hair out of my face i kissed him again he slowly took off his shirt i noticed their was a star tattoo on his hip my fingertip traced it he shivered as i touched him

"Please.. Keep touching me.." he begged

i nodded in response i continued to trace his star tattoo i noticed him undoing his belt i grabbed his shirt and mine leading him into my bedroom he locked the door behind him

he was undoing his belt and pants he was in his boxers only now he grabbed me placing me on the bed he pinned me underneath him his breathing on my neck it really felt like i was underneath his breath

he slowly took of my pants i was focused on his face i didn't even realize i was only in my underwear and bra

he kissed my neck slowly then started to bite my neck softly leaving marks

I letted out a quiet whimper
i shutted my eyes as he slowly placed his finger on my inner thigh then moved my underwear to the side i froze he started to finger me i tried not to moan he kept on fingering me going slow then faster bill kissed me slowly I kissed him back

i moaned in his mouth my legs were shaking lightly he pulled his finger out grabbing my head and kissing me hungrily like he couldn't get enough

"Fuck Anne.. i can't get enough of you.." he said "Please let me go inside of you Please..." he begged

"i-i-i i uhhh... " i couldn't speak but after a few seconds "Uhm.. I guess you have my permission—.." i said he smiled
and he pulled off his boxers i closed my eyes i didn't want to see what was happening then i felt something inside of me going in and out i kept my eyes shut then i heard bill groaning i felt his hands on my waist holding me in place

(alot of 'i's ')

I letted out a moan i heard slapping sounds bill grabbed my chin

"Open your eyes princess.." he groaned i slowly opened my eyes i seen him between my legs inside of me.. FUCKING ME? Did he atleast wear a condom right i looked and he wasn't i frozed some moans slipped out of my mouth then i felt something warm inside of me it felt sticky it dripped out of me i didn't know what it was but bill collapsed on me tired

"Mmph.. thank you love.." he whispered he shutted his eyes and covered us up with a blanket his face was between my breasts i froze i heard him breathing quietly i knew he was asleep so i tried to fall asleep too

then i fell asleep

the next morning i woke up

i seen him laying next to me cuddling me from behind i turned around cuddling him back he slowly woke up

"Mm.. good morning darling.." he said

"Morning.." i replied

"I can't remember did you wear a condom?.." i asked

"No, why?.. oh.." he replied

"I- I hope you didn't get me pregnant.." i mumbled he kissed my forehead

"Your going to be fine.."

i nodded i slowly got up and got dressed in his shirt i had a pair of pants and i got dressed he was dressed also i laid against him on the bed still tired then i heard a knock on the door.

(Options 🤓☝️?)

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