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(Remind the song !)

I opened the door to see tom his eyes were kinda red from crying i hadn't seen him for a day bill looked over to see tom

tom grabbed me by my wrist holding me down tom grabbed out a gun pointing it at my temple
i looked at bill

bill was in shock "Put that gun down Tom!!" he shouted in his low voice again

"Karmas a bitch Huh you didn't think i would do this." he smirked he pressed the gun roughly against my temple more i closed my eyes i heard bill yelling at tom not to shoot me i was afraid then i heard a bang i opened my eyes then it went pitch black Was i dead? i looked around in the pitch black i heard faint crying then i heard perfectly clear ;

" no no OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES ANNE." bill yelled

"Bill?, bill!" i shouted with pain in my voice i started to get lightheaded i felt dizzy i continued to walk around in the pitch black then i seen a hospital i walked inside of the hospital

i seen bill sitting outside of a room i walked pasted him going into the hospital room and i seen Me laying in the hospital bed i looked pale..

then everything when black again



i was waiting outside of the hospital room i couldn't believe tom shoot her in her chest i was kinda glad that it wasn't her head
i seen a nurse come out
walking over to me

"Anne willams is slowly starting to breathe But inside of the bullet was a drug that erases some of her memories." she said

my eyes widen I sat up and pushed her out of the way going into annes room. i walked inside sitting next to her bed



I seen the monster walk inside of the room he tried to touch me but i moved away "dont touch me." i said

"you did this didnt you?!" i said
"N—" i cutted him off "Go away!" i said he nodded and lefted outside of the hospital room
i letted out a sigh then i seen sopfia walk in
"Omg! Are you okay now Anne?" she smiled walking over to me

"Yeah.." i said

"thats good!!!" she smiled warmly and hugged me i gave her a hug back

"Bill changed right?." she asked

"I don't know?? all i know is hes a fucking monster." i said

"I thought you said he changed?" sopfia said

"did i? i don't remember some things.." i replied

"plus before this happened he was 'gentle, soft kind' " she said

i chuckled "Yeah right." i said

she giggled "But I really hope you start to feel better Anne." she said

i gave her a little nod she lefted the room i laid down putting my head against the clean soft pillow i slowly thought about what sopfia said Did he change or something? i can't remember..

i letted out a quiet sigh then i seen tom walk in i only remember him wanting to kill me. i sat up looking at tom

"What do you want?" i said

" im sorry its just.. my feeling got over me i guess you say i losted control. please forgive me?" tom said

"I don't forgive you.." i mumbled

"Thats fine i guess." he replied and lefted i laid down again bored

after a while i heard laughing i got off the bed walking out of the room i seen gustav and georg laughing joking about how me and bill are made for each other i rolled my eyes i went back inside of the room
i yawned Then i seen bill walking inside of the room i looked at him "What?" i said

"Nothing i was making sure you were fine.." he said

"Okay?" i replied i went over to the bed and i covered up on one side falling asleep

bill walked over and sat next to me as i slept he held my hand then he also fell asleep


(Im sorry for making my chapters short its just i feel like i wanna write then i don't.)

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