extra chapter.

116 2 3

Georgs pov

I heard bill yelling, about anne about to jump. i quickly ran out into the back yard. Seeing annes body falling.

I panicked,

(Omg a main character moment)

I caught her but she still fell also onto the floor, she wasn't dead, just fainted from the air


Bills pov.

i watched Georg catch Anne kinda.

i rushed downstairs, Running into the backyard as i picked up Anne.

"Fucking hell.." I whispered

I felt my heart beating fast with worry then i felt it.


i held Anne close to me,

"Im so sorry. im sorry.. im sorry.." i  repeated whispering as i putted my face in her hair.

  "I love you Anne, i promise to always protect you." I said normally, as my eyes softened for once in my life.

Toms Pov,

| It worked. | i thought


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