The man.

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I woke up in Bills car Remembering i took it from him. i felt dizzy i sat up rubbing my eyes gently before looking around it was froggy out i was in a random parking lot.

i thought i was the one for Bill. That wasn't true i guess. He's probably not looking for me for once i wonder Whos that Ameila girl.

My head was still spinning i couldn't remember much but i did knew i hated Maria. i turned on the car starting the engine and i drove out of the parking lot driving in the streets thinking. i putted on some music hoping to help calm me down what did he mean She was the FIRST?

i just drove around the city Tokyo.. i wish i never came here.

( Bills POV. )

i was sitting on the couch thinking

She'll calm down and come crawling back to me. If not i'll find her and make things way worse then before.

i seen Maria wearing a black dress like she was going to a party "Where are you going?" i said my voice harsh

"Somewhere. i'll be back." she said
"No, your not leaving." i hissed getting up

"Mind your business Bill, its been a while since i seen you but i.. need to do something." she said

"Pathetic Excuse Maria." I groaned

i heard giggling coming from the kitchen i walked past Maria Seeing Tom and Ameila talking and giggling reminding me of Anne No, i can't think of her. Shes a stupid pet. i have Maria shes better in Sex then Anne. She wears slutty clothes And she was the first. I can't Fall for Her. Im surprised shes even Alive.

i gave Tom the look making sure he wasn't falling in love

"Is Ameila your Pet?" i said to tom crossing my arms to my chest raising a eyebrow at him

"Yeah." he replied

"Make sure she doesn't escape like how Anne did. She's probably gonna say something to the police soon." i said

i walked back to the living room seeing that Maria was gone Fucking Hell.

( Marias POV. )

I need to make Anne Dead.
i need to be BILLS LOVE not her..

i walked to the club with my workers.
i walked in looking around i Knew everyone hated each other i went to the office where i worked i sat down in the chair, i took a piece of paper and started writing how to Kill Anne.

"Maybe poison?, Knife to the throat?" i paused
Know exactly what to do i quickly wrote it in the paper folding it up and putting it in my pocket i standed up walking out of my office into the hallway of the club. i walked outside walking to a different club i went inside.

to my surprise i seen Anne willams, God i hated her.

i walked up to her "Hey, im sorry for what happened yesterday, Maybe would you want a drink? To make up for what happened?" i asked

"Um, sure?" she replied

i went over to the bar side ordering a soft drink with ice. before walking back to her, i pulled a drug in there so she'd pass out. I grabbed a straw mixing it and threw the straw away before walking back to Anne.
i handed her the soft drink watching her
"We should get to know each other better, Anne? How does that sound to you."

"No thanks.." she mumbled taking a drink of the soft drink, and quickly passed out. the glass of the drink shattering onto the floor

(Annes pov)

i woke up in a dark room with my legs and arms tied with rope, i looked around seeing a older man looking at me smirking

"Aww.. Bills little pet woke up" he laughed
"What do you want with me! i did nothing to you!!" i yelled

"You did something to me. Bills gang Tokio Hotel Shot my sidekick. For cash. Huh? "

"What does that have to do with Me?!" i yelled

he laughed again "Well, i know alot about you Anne Willams. I know What bill did to you."

he paused before continuing "Didn't he rape you? Take your virginity? Awe.. He threatened you? Took control of you.? But you still loved him. didn't you? "

"Stop! Dont Say that!!" i yelled

"Oh, yeah remember when you were begging Bill to stop as he was taking your innocent virginity?" he said

"Your superhero wont save you sweetheart." he continued

"Remember when he would Beat You? but here you were still dripping Wet for him."

"Mmm... Remember when you losted your sweet little baby? Over Bill. "

"He also Cutted you Hurted you but you liked it didn't you?" he smirked "Maybe i can get the same reaction out of you for me." he said stepping closer to me

"Dont Fucking lay a hand on me." i yelled 

he pulled out a knife i tried moving away but he stabbed my shoulder
i felt my heart sink.

then pulled out the knife stabbing me in the other shoulder, then the side of my chest causing me to slowly bled out, then my leg, then the other.

i felt blood coming to my mouth as i coughed out blood "Aww man your not showing the reaction i wanted. im just gonna have to force it." he said unbuttoning his pants

"Bill... Please.. help.." i murmured under my breath my voice barely audible

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