The G's

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i struggled against bill dragging me. He dragged me to his room, i seen that he cleaned it from me smashing stuff,

"Please bill. i dont want this anymore." i spoke quietly

"You didn't say anything to me. i dont like that bs." Bill said
"You deserve this, i dont fucking care if you losted a child, got raped, almost killed multiple times. You fucking deserve this Ann(i)e."

i pushed him away, but he grabbed my hair "Im done with your shit anne. seriously."

i punched him hard in the nose

"What the fuck!" he grunted

i rushed down the stairs trying not to trip over a step, I fucking hated this place. i tried to open the door but Tom stopped me

"Fuck off Tom!"

"No, your not going anywhere Anne, We also want you meet some new friends. They gonna watch your stupid ass with me and Bill." He mocked

"Dont ever call me stupid again Dip shit."

"Stupid." tom mocked once more

I was about to punch him, but Bill grabbed me "Your not gonna do that now," he laughed darkly before pushing me onto the couch.

i heard the door open seeing Two medium tall boys, One was blonde with glasses the other sharp sharp jawline with straight brown hair.

"Who are they." i asked raising an eyebrow

"Thats gustav the blonde. then the brown hair is geörg." Tom said.

Bill grabbed my wrist pulling me up,

"We are gonna watch you all day long." bill said.

i heard a bedroom door open showing Ameila, Her makeup was fixed and her  wavy hair fitting her as it slightly bounced with each step, looking like Tom type.

i realized i wouldn't be pretty like her, i fucked up with my life. i just gave up, i didn't even know if Bill actually liked me— not like i care.

"Tom who are they?" Ameila asked looking at the two boys, i glared at the Whole gang.

i noticed a small logo on gustavs jacket

i also remembered 'TH' on their plate on ther car, I pushed away bill going to the back yard, i didn't want to be near them

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i also remembered 'TH' on their plate on ther car, I pushed away bill going to the back yard, i didn't want to be near them.

Fucking insane dicks.

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