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here i am loving the guy Who is a murder. also tried to commit suicide I don't know why i love him I just.. before i could finish my thought bill stepped on the brakes

"Did you even listen to me? " bill said glancing at me then his eyes looked back at the road continuing to drive

"Im sorry what did you say?" i asked calmly

"I asked Why the fuck did you run away." he said back into his cold low german voice

"I just didn't think you loved me because im just a pet." i mumbled

"I fucking love you. Plus your not a pet too your  mine." bill replied looking at me not paying attention to the road
i looked at him "Oh.." i mumbled then i turned to the road infront of us "BILL WATCH OUT!!" i yelled
he looked back at the road but it was too late we crashed into building some how.. my vison went black

Bills pov

i looked back at the road before crashing into a building i covered my face with my hands then i quickly looked at anne the car was upside down i coughed then i quickly unbluckled my seatbelt crawling out and i quickly standed up rushing to anne i unbluckled her seatbelt she was passed out i hope... i dragged her out gently with her in my arms then i seen a little fire on the car i ran away from the car with anne in my arms then the car blew up i coughed again my eyes focused on her little body against my tall frame

"Anne?.." i whispered "Anne!" i said normally now she slowly woke up i smiled weakly

Annes pov

my eyes opened looking at bill "What happened..." i groaned

"We got into a crash." bill said pointing at a burning car i looked at the burning car then i quickly looked back at bill "Are you hurt??!" i asked worried "No im fine princess.." he said lying to my face ".. Oh okay." i said looking at his face for cuts ignoring my pain then i rested my head on his shoulder letting him put me down it was windy my brown hair going in my face i moved my hair behind my ears to keep it out of my face i felt someone behind us
i turned around to see a tall figure with braids it was tom i looked over at bill i felt like throwing up again.. it's normal thing i guess.. i felt a kick to my chest i groaned in pain quietly holding my stomach i looked over at bill

"You okay anne?" i nodded
"Whats tom doing here?" he shrugged at me
i letted out a sigh then i looked over at tom but he wasn't there weird. i pulled away from bill "Im tired bill.." i said

then everything went pitch black it felt like i was falling from a very tall building a never ending one.

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