Under his breath

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( i finally Made a new part! should i make a story about tom WITHOUT the trauma )

After washing off my face i looked at the bracelet and ring then the mirror i didn't know what i was thinking i had a idea i looked around in the bathroom for something sharp then i found a random piece of glass? i grabbed it it was small but i ripped off the bracelet then the ring the smell disgusted me the skin was dry then i putted it in the trash i wanted to remember her but not like that i had her in my memories her smile, hugs her voice gave me so much comfort and joy she actually made me smile in years

i seen a little blood coming from my wrist i wiped it off on my shirt then i walked out of the bathroom seeing no one in the living room i heard sounds from upstairs it sounded like a girl I tried to ignore it i mostly knew what it was i looked around with my eyes in the living room yup no one was in there then i heard bills heavy boots coming downstairs then i turned around to see bill

he noticed the bracelet was gone with the ring he kept walking down the stairs towards me

bill grabbed my chin looking in my eyes

"Wheres the bracelet and ring." he said

"i threw it away." i said with a little nervous in my voice i looked at him

"Ugh.." he groaned annoyed

"Well, thats fine i didn't really care." he said
then he letted go of my chin walking past me walking outside he litted a cigarette leaning against the wall like always i watched him for a while i letted out a sigh i wished i was never in this situation only if i never talked to him i heard a honk i walked outside to stand by bill then i see georg and gustav with sopfia

bill was watching me then he noticed the small blood stain on my shirt

"Why is there blood on your shirt?" he said pointing at the blood stain

"That was from taking off the bracelet." i said
looking at him then sopfia i had a thought of that stupid dream again maybe it was fake and im overreacting i said in my mind then i walked inside of the house bill grabbed my wrist stopping me "What?" i asked slightly annoyed
"Your mine and only mine got that?" he said
i rolled my eyes nodding then he letted go of my wrist i walked inside of the guest bedroom then i noticed that i haven't ate in days i was kinda hungry now but i didn't want to eat i sat on the bed with my hands on my face elbows on my knees thinking about how life would be without Bill

i never thought i would be in his situation it was like i was •Underneath His Breath• he was always behind me watching every move he always knew where i was i wanted to be out of this nightmare i actually wanted to kill my self i didn't want bill to save me anymore i was 21 im fine by myself i didn't even know how old bill was he looked 23 i letted out a quiet sigh it was like days were slow then fast over and over

I was stressed i didn't know where to go or do anymore it was like i was helpless it was like i was Always under his breath he never lefted me alone

i sat there thinking that made me want to kill my self more i ran my hand through my hair i wanted to change but i didn't want to wear anyone's clothes especially bills i was cold but i thought how bills touch made me feel safe then not he was rough then soft i wanted a pet dog to give me comfort mine died 2 years ago Like evelyn gave me more much comfort then i heard a bark then i walked out of room i seen Tom with a puppy all white Husky my eyes widen then i went back inside of my room i covered my ears trying to calm down the dog that died was a husky that was weird why after i talked about a dog like minutes ago i see tom with a dog i laid on the bed looking at the ceiling slowly falling asleep

( i really need ideas 💀🙏 )

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