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"Im so glad you losted your baby anne. i wouldn't care less for it."

—Bills pov—

Its been an hour since Marie has been back maybe she went back to her crib?

(Bru what💀)

its worth a shot to see if her ass if over there i thought.

"Tom, wanna come with me to see where this bitch went?" i grumbled

"Whos a bitch?" he raised an eyebrow in confusion
"Oh okay then."
i walked out of the house with tom remembering my car wasn't here "Fucking Anne!!" i yelled pissed off
"Chill, we'd use my car."
i letted out a sigh going to his car, i got into the passenger side waiting for Toms slow ass

"Im pretty sures shes at her house, like when she lived in tokyo."

"Alright." tom replied

"Also. if that Stupid pet does ANYTHING i dont like. i WILL kill her infront of your eyes making you Watch another Pet DIE."

"Calm down Bill, i know your upset about Anne doesnt mean go fucking psycho."

"Your right.. i Guess for now " i said my voice lowering.

— few minutes later—

We pulled up in Maries driveway the lights were on. i got out of the car going to the door, and i knocked. Marie opened the door "Oh bill. i was just moving my stuff back in!! i should've told you.." she said

"Shut the fuck up with your excuses! Are you cheating on me!? You would've told me! " i snapped i pushed her out of the way looking around the house for any guys. i was about to open the basement door until Marie stopped me "Why you gonna look in the basement?" she bit her lip nervously

"to check if your cheating, Come with Tom." i said

Tom followed behind me as we went down the stairs, i hear soft crys

"Tom did you hear that?" i whispered

"Yeah i did.." he whispered back

i turned on my phone flashlight looking around, i walked to the back of the basement i paused seeing Her. Her straight messed up hair, Her honey dew eyes filled with tears. i realized she was naked my eyes widen i rushed over to her "Tom bring her to the c-" i got thrown to a wall by a guy, i started punching him. Tom quickly Grabbed the guy holding him back i reached for my gun in my pocket, pointing it right on his  forehead  then

!! BANG !!

i  shot him right though the head.

i looked over at Anne "Get over here right fucking now anne." i barked

she slowly got up and walked over to me, she was bleeding out..i putted my jacket over her i dragged her to Toms car and threw her in the backseat. i went back in the house, i seen Marie "What the fuck was that?! Why were you holding her captive What the fuck is wrong with you!!? Your sick i bet you made That guy Rape her!!? Didn't you Marie!!" i yelled, i shot her in the head

— Annes Pov —

i was in the backseat i. didn't want to be here i heard another bang and bill came out of the house

I couldn't get that guys touch off me.. He raped me.. I got raped two times now! by bill then that guy!

Tom rushed to me wrapping bandages around my wounds "M-move!" i grumbled throwing up blood
thank god tom got out of the way.

Tom continued to wipe off the blood on my wounds "I thought i wasn't gonna survive.." i whispered softly i felt like my voice was gone from being touched by that man. i Knew i could never get his touch off. I thought i was dead for sure but Nope! Bill wants me to suffer

"You good Anne?" tom said raising an eyebrow

"I guess.." i said

"You were bleeding out alot, im shocked your still alive."

"Yup. i guess im gonna suffer with the pain in my body.." i grumbled moving away from tom.

"Whatever you say." he jumped in the passenger seat, i watched bill come out and into the driver seat.

"Care to explain where my car is Anne." he said his voice getting angryer.

i stayed quiet, my mom Told me when i was younger silence was the key.

Well thats what i thought.

"answer me Anne."

i tried to zone out to ignore Bills voice

"When we get back to mine, ill make you talk."
Bill said coldly

It was quiet for the rest of the car ride

As we pulled in the driveway, he stopped the engine Getting out with Tom, Bill opened my

door grabbing my wrist, i couldn't do much in this situation. He brought me into the house where alots of stuff happened that made me traumatized.

I looked around and seen Ameila, her looks were gorgeous.. i couldn't keep my eyes off her
"Anne, what are you looking at?" Bill growled
Bill got No reply from me

"You need to stop being slient Anne." Bill hissed

I glared at him

"Your asking for it." bill growled dragging me to his room

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