Suicide attempt 

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(eh schools tmw so i might not be posting much chapters but i know for sure there gonna be alot of chapters This may be a Satan reincarnate dupe but im trying not to be like theirs. Only in that one chapter with her skin i was just not trying in that.)

finally after calming down i turned on the tv For sound i liked the quiet but alone by yourself knowing you made Someone go look for you and make 'insane' yeah no i walked over to the couch and i sat down i was zoning out thinking what would happen if he already found me would he kill me? Or worse Rape me then slowly kill me i never wanted to be in this i should of never moved into that apartment i should of moved into a different place then that place How can i be so stupid Does he even love or like me? wait why should i care he probably used me for my body But i carve his touch so much he was so gentle then i heard my phone ringing i picked up the phone "Hello?" i asked

"Quick anne Bills trying to kill his self He needs you he gave up He thinks you hate him!!" i heard tom say "How did you get my n-" i got cut off "QUICK ANNE." i heard tom say over the phone and hanged up Where Is he?
Fuck did i mess up i dont know where he i- wait. i quickly got up from the couch i ran out of the hotel room with my phone running fast as possible to my apartment building their was a old cafe near there maybe he was there but it was rain hard i tried my best to not fall i ran to the cafe and looked around then i heard soft crying coming from behind my apartment building i ran in the back of it seeing bill holding a gun to temple "Why..?"
my eyes widen i ran behind him i found him!

i hugged him so tightly from behind "Dont do it please bill!" i cried he dropped the gun hearing me he quickly turned around to face me "A-anne?!.." bill said "Yes bill?.." i mumbled the rain made his dreads wet going along with my wet hair he moved my hair out of my face "did i do something wrong?." bill said "No!" i cried softly that he would of killed his self if i didn't make it in time "Why did you run away?! Please tell me!" he cried wrapping a arm around my shoulders pulling me closer to him "Im sorry i though-" i got cut off again "Its fine. im Just clingy.." he mumbled i kissed his cheek hugging him tightly as it rained he kissed my lips his lips were warm unlike the cold air i kissed him back then he pulled away "Can you come home then?.." he asked i nodded and he grabbed his gun and lead me to his car

he opened the passenger seat allowing me to get in i got in and he shutted the door behind walking over to the driver side he got in and started the engine he reached out for my hand and held it as he drove back to his house i was glad that i made it in time i was so worried No matter how much i hated him but when im with him I cant help but love him.

"Sorry for making this short :/. )

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