Fair Pt.2

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(I came back and i added a very long paragraph.😘)

after i got in the back with sopfia bill walked over to the driver seat and got inside shutting the doer starting the engine i looked at the windows as bill drove though tokyo city now that i was with bill i didn't want to go anymore sopfia was on her phone listening to music wearing headphones bill was quiet as he drove his dark brown Eyes looking at the road i felt like a child for wanting to go to the stupid fair i was mad at tom remembering that bill's twin wanted to kill me but apologized bill never apologized to me or After killing evelyn her blood on my hands i looked at my hands their were shaking slightly i couldn't think of that moment plus the fact bill made a bracelet out of her made me want to puke again i was disgusted he was a disgusting man the fact i met him at my apartment i wonder why he was at my apartment building if he already had a house..

Past; bills pov in the apartment complex

"Yeah, she'll be mine. She's falling for it already i just need for her to go to that fair in a few weeks then Lisa will take over the rest i only wanted to feel her and play with her feelings " i laughed over the phone walking inside of the apartment complex fans started to surround me asking for pictures my fans knew me for racing and singing but i stopped a month ago i was alone and bored with what i was doing Until i became the best racer i smirked as i seen my new pet walking in the apartment complex i licked my lips lightly knowing my first move

present; Annes Pov

Finally we got to the stupid fair I didn't want to even go now.

i got out of the car with sopfia Following me behind i stopped looking around the fair with my eyes then i seen bill over at a tent talking to someone i walked over to that tent

"Fuck off lisa, I dont want you to anymore!?" he said looking at a girl i tilted my head a little confused with what's happening right now Then i seen bill pull out a gun pointing it at 'Lisa'

"What are you doing bill?" i asked confused still bill didn't look at me but the girl did and smirked she pulled out a gun pointing it at me now sopfia walked over to me Seeing the girl point a gun at me she was waiting for bill to shoot So she can shoot me sopfia looked frozed she didn't say anything Then bill shot her with no hesitation Lisa couldn't shot me she was going to until her gun wasn't loaded i letted out a sigh of relief "Why the fuck would you come im the tent with me dumbass?!" bill said not looking at me still "It wasn't my fault! i didn't know!" i said "Ughhh." he groaned annoyed i rolled my eyes "I wanna go home now this is boring." i whispered to sopfia she looked at me "Why did you act so calm You had a gun pointed at you?!" she whispered in my ear "Oh. I dont even know-" i said then walked out of the tent with sopfia following behind me "Wheres the ticket standddd?" sopfia asked me "I dont know this fair is huge." i said then i seen the stand i walked over to it by sopfias side Sopfia asked them for a bracelet for the rides i watched her then i putted my hand on the table for them i got the bracelet it reminded me of evelyn I looked at the bracelet Her skin was on me. disgusting. sopfia pointed at a spinning ride "Wanna go on there??" she asked happy i nodded i didn't want to go we walked over there bill was in his car smoking i got in a seat next to her and the ride started sopfia was holding my hand i looked at her "You scared?" i asked teasing her "N-no?!" she replied fastit was obvious she was then the ride slowly started going slow then fast. She was screaming i chuckled then after the ride i was dizzy i letted out of sopfias hand getting off of the ride i seen bill but it was a fizzy i was dizzy i standed still for a while then my vision went to normal sopfia was watching me then it started to rain causing the rides to shut off "Really? we were only on One ridddeeee???" sopfia groaned  disappointed we walked over to bill "Can we go back to your house?" i asked bill "Sure princess " he replied calm now A while ago he was mad at me Nows he's calm bipolar ass.
i got in the car with sopfia and bill got in starting the engine driving back to his house i looked out the window watching it rain also looking at tokyo city lights their were always pretty to look at Going perfect with the rain bit it blurred some lights Sopfia was resting her head on my shoulder Trying not to fall asleep i smiled at her then looked back out the window continuing to watch it rain slowly i didn't want to be in that fair Plus bill most likely lefted 'Lisas' body in that tent then finally we got back to bills house i got out waiting for sopfia then she went to gustavs bedroom

I watched her go upstairs bill was watching tv days were going by fast now i went to my room going to the bathroom mirror i looked at myself i haven't ate in 2 days i looked kinda pale i went to my bed nuzzling my face into the pillows So i maybe fall asleep fast then i closed my eyes falling asleep.

(HELP I MADE A LONG PARAGRAPH, you better love the gorilla song. )


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