Shes with you forever now

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(Remind song, Also this is disgusting, skin.)

i woke up to bill holding me from behind i quickly got up then i looked at my wrist seeing my bracelet was gone

"No,no where is it?" i mumbled to myself looking around then bill woke up yawning looking at him i looked at him for a split second then away trying to find the bracelet
then after a while i letted out a sigh i couldn't find it
bill got up and walked towards me he was only in his boxers he grabbed my chin looking in my eyes
"Whats the matter?" he asked

"Nothing i just can't find a bracelet." i replied

"Hmm. do you want me to make a bracelet for you?" he asked

"No thanks.." i mumbled

"I will anways." he said letting go of my chin and he got dressed in his outfit then lefted i wondered why he wanted to make a bracelet for me?

(Bills pov.)             (Disgusting.)

i walked outside to see gustav
"Where did you put the body." i said

"near the closest abandoned building. i didn't know where to put it." gustav said
i nodded then i went to my red car and i got in driving to the closest abandoned building
i parked seeing the body in the building though the front door half opened i got out of the car and i went to her body i sliced off a long piece of her skin with some of her hair then i went to my car  i drived back to the house and i parked in the garage and i sat in the car making her skin and hair into a bracelet i held enough for a ring also to make and i made a ring with it i walked inside of the house seeing Anne

(Annes pov)

i seen bill walk in and come towards me
i looked at him

"Hm?" i said

"Close your eyes. i made you something." he said

"Uh okay?" i replied then closing my eyes i felt something cold and dry go onto my wrist with something going on my finger it felt weird

i opened my eyes seeing skin on my wrist and finger i covered my mouth with my other hand i felt like i was going to throw up

"What the fuck bill!" i make out trying not to throw up
"..This is disgusting!!" i shouted causing the others to see the scene sopfia seen the skin
And covered her mouth and ran to a trash can throwing up

"Now she will be with you forever." he smiled It was like he was proud of his self i looked at him with a disgust look i tried to take it off but i couldn't it wad like i was wearing more skin it made me uncomfortable
he just smiled  looking at me then i ran to a trash can throwing up then i washed off my face disgusted whats on me now

(I know this is short but im tired and im uncomfortable to finish i will finish tomorrow!)

(Opinion ?)

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