"Mommy!!, your back!!"

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[Remind listening to the music while reading!]

i was in a house it looked like the black mansion bill has.
i looked around then i was in the living room and i seen a little girl and she turned around to face me

"Mommy?.. Mommy!! your back!" she said happily running to my legs holding onto them for dear life she had my voice?

"I- im not your mom Kiddo." i said looking down at her my eyes widen she had bills eyes and face
"Your my mommy though! Your so silly mom! dad said you went somewhere now your back!" she said smiling warmly she had my smile?..
then i had a familiar voice and i turned around to see bill he had coffee in his hand then the girl jumped up and down happily
"Why are you jumping Ellie?" bill asked smiling his smile was warm now?

"I seen Mommy!!" she exclaimed

"..Can i tell you something Ellie?" he said

"Okay!" she replied

"..Mommy is dead from your uncle.. " he says gulping his saliva like he was going to cry

"What?, No shes not!" she snapped

i chuckled she had my attitude i tried to pat her head i was frozen i couldn't move
"She died from Getting shot.."
then everything went black

i woke up quickly breathing hard
i looked at the clock it was 8:36 Am in the morning i got up going to the bathroom trying to put my hair down with water i didn't have a hair brush i walked out of the bathroom and the guest bedroom
i seen Evelyn on toms lap i ignored them and yawned softly going outside for fresh air i was exhausted and i was stressed from what happening i thought about my dream i letted out a quiet sigh breathing in the cold fresh morning air then i felt someones hand on my hip and i turned around to see bill

"I told you not to touch me.." i said

"I can touch you if i want your my pet." he said smirking

"Whatever.." i said pulling away

then i turned around to look at the sky and trees then i heard Evelyns voice and sopfias voice bill was leaning against a wall watching me i turned around and went inside bill stayed outside he was smoking a cigarette but i walked to Evelyn and sopfia

"Your so funnyyy gustavvv.." sopfia said drunk sitting on his lap
so that's gustav i wonder who georg is.

"Oh good morning Anne!" evelyn said

"Morning Eve!" i smiled no one else ever seen me smile other then Evelyn
bill walked inside and seen me smile

"You got a pretty smile anne." he said in his soft voice again

"Thanks?" i said to him

he walked over to me and grabbed my chin "Your welcome love." he said looking in my eyes  he smirked
then i pulled away
"You should me love you Like a PET." he said still smirking

"How about No." i said

"I'll make you." he said dragging me by my wrist into his bedroom then once inside of his bedroom he locked the door behind him

"Your not going to touch me." i said
he laughed and grabbed me by my waist
"You been so stubborn." he said
"You need another lesson " he said laughing then stopped
he pulled out a knife and cutted my skin on my arm it was bleeding and i was crying in pain trying to pull away
blood was dripping on the carpet he held my wrist tightly causing me to bleed more
"..Please stop!!" i cried with pain in my eyes crying
"i wont." he said cutting my other arm i was crying in pain that somehow turned him on.."Bill.. i feel dizz-.." i passed out on his chest

"..open your eyes!" he yelled

"Fuck.. fuck.." he said he grabbed me and carried me to his car putting me in the back he got in the front and started to drive towards the  hospital  he droved faster and faster and once we got at the hospital he carried me inside
"She's bleeding help!!?" he yelled then the doctors took me and cleaned out my cuts

(Bill pov)

its all my fault im so stupid. i watched them clean up her wounds and they invited me inside to see Anne i held her hand tightly
she was asleep breathing normally  i never wanted this but i did hurt her im scared to lose her but if i fall for her Tom will hurt her..
i had a idea  for Evelyn to die i knew tom was falling for her i wanted him to feel the same then he shoot my last girl i smirked then i stopped then Anne woke up

(Annes pov)

i slowly woke up looking around then i seen bill
i looked at my cleaned wounds

"Im sorry Anne." he said then lefted
... i don't know what was happening but i knew bill was up to something he wad outside of my room then i got off of the hospital bed and walked to bill
"I want to go.." i said

"Alright." he said
i followed him to his car and i got in the front looking out the window was he drove back to his house then when We got there i got out of the car seeing bill was behind me i walked inside of the house and evelyn ran towards me

"are you okay?!" she asked looking at my body for marks and sees the cuts

"Yeah im fine now."  i replied
i hugged her and she hugged me back then i pulled away then i went to the kitchen for water then i seen bill holding Evelyn in the corner of my eyes and i turned around seeing bill holding a gun to evelyns head my eyed widen

"Dont You dare shot her!!" tom shouted

"You Fucking Killed my first love of my life and now i seen you falling in love with This slut." he replied

".. look im sor-" bill cutted off tom

"Sorry wont fucking help!" he yelled

"Dont shot her please Bill!!" i yelled with tears in my honey eyes i seen evelyn crying then bill shoted her my eyes widen the 2nd time the bang was ringing in my ear i was crying and i ran towards Evelyn with her head on my lap i was on my knees sobbing then i seen a hair clip in her hair and a bracelet i took it to remember her by
i cried while Tom was there frozen as tears dropped from his face
bill laughed looking at Evelyns dead body i held her head crying on her face

"You are a monster!!" i shouted at bill my eyes were red from crying.

"Tell tom that too.  he raped and killed my first love infront of me this was less painful she was a stupid bitch." he laughed

i kept on crying then bill grabbed her body and gave it to gustav "Go put her somewhere." he said i was sobbing then gustav nodded and lefted in his car with Evelyns body sopfia was too drunk and high to care

i kept evelyns bracelet on and her hair clip then i ran to the guest room and locked my self in there crying into a pillow she was the only one who made me happy now my dumb life is pointless now.

(uhm.. Please write your opinion😨)

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