"Your disgusting."

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(⚠️ warning theres a making out scene Its kinda detailed so skip that part if your uncomfortable.⚠️)

"because i own you Anne." he said smiling like a psychopath he is he held me tighter pressing his self against me with one of his hand while the other is rubbing my hip i was uncomfortable he smelled like alcohol, cigarettes and a other smell i couldn't make it out though it was probably like cigarettes or something, maybe a drug?..

"You dont own me." i said looking in his eyes
"your my pet though." he said still smiling like a psychopath his dark eyes looked in my warm honey eyes i kept on hearing Evelyn moaning and whimpering quietly because of tom making out with her in the other room i was more uncomfortable with the sounds
"You been a bad Pet." he said smirking
"Im not a fucking pet, dont ever call me that." i said annoyed i backed away from him
and he stepped closet to me with his dreads slightly moving as he stepped closer
"Why are you even doing this??!" i said looking at him
"Because i can, i can do anything i want Princess." he replied
"You need to learn a lesson about your attitude." he said putting out a pocket knife from his pocket and pointing it on my arm then he grabbed it and gently pressed it against my skin i felt the cold metal on my skin
"Dont.." i said but i knew he wouldn't stop there. i was kinda afraid i didn't want to be stabbed I was always afraid of things but never showed it.
"Im not going to listen to you Anne." he said
pressing the knife in my arm slowly dragging it making a little line

blood started to come out  i winced in pain quietly
"Stop bill please!" i begged with fear in my voice

(Bills pov)
her voice.. it made me stop cutting her i putted out the knife staring at her I putted the knife away i went in my bedroom while she was still by the wall trying to stop bleeding i hitted the wall over and over yelling "Why did i stop!!?, Shes just a pet nothing Special!!??" i yelled with pain in my voice causing the wall to have a hole in it. my knuckles were slightly bleeding i went to the bathroom and cleaned my blood off and walked out of the bathroom  going to Anne even her name made me feel something..)

(Annes pov)
after he went in his bedroom i heard yelling it was muffled thorough i went to the sink in the kitchen washing off the blood then i seen Evelyn running towards me holding my arm
"You need anything Anne??" she asked worried
"Im fine.." i lied the stab mark hurted.
she cleaned up my stab mark and lefted for tom

i seen bill walk out and look at me then looked away i ignored him touching my mark  bill walked towards me grabbing my wrist and dragging me in his bedroom i struggled against him like always
he kissed him roughly again with his hand roaming on my body i frozed  then he kissed my neck trying to undress me i didn't know what to do  then i snapped back to reality
"Your disgusting!" i said trying to push him away he held onto my waist
"Im not disgusting." he said between kisses on my neck
i pushed him away
"You need to stop resisting." he laughed
then Tom walked in
"Evelyn Wants to talk to anne." tom said i seen his braided hair he looked like bill but not emo he had a lip ring piercing when bill had a tongue piercing and a eyebrow piercing tom wasn't emo i didn't know if he was nicer.

"Fine only for 5 minutes." bill said then lefted with tom and evelyn walked in

"You okay with bill and everything?" she asked
".. Yeah i guess?.." i mumbled looking at her
"You sure ?" she asked
i nodded
she gave me a hug and i hugged her back i liked her warmth. then she pulled away
"You want to go to this party with me Georg, gustav, tom i dont know about bill though "

"Uh sure!" i sad wondering who georg and gustav is

"Okay!" she said
then she talked to tom and he nodded
and turned to me "Bill wants to come if you go anne." Evelyn said
"Thats fine i guess ." i said annoyed i wanted to go but i didn't want bill there.

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