Anne your making him insane. 

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I tried to fall asleep but i couldn't i slowly sat up it was 12:25 am i standed up going to the door and i looked out of my bedroom no one was out in the living room i was tired of being here i went back inside of the bedroom i putted on a black sweater with Baggy ish pants and i looked at myself in the mirror then walked out of the bedroom i quietly walked to the front door opening it then walked out i turned around letting out a sigh Then i started walking away from the nigtmare making house i was already far from there house it was cold and dark the cold air going through my hair i didn't know what time it was anymore then i heard yelling coming from the house i quickly ran behind a bush then i seen the cars headlights turn on driving past me fast i was breathing heavily then a other car drove past me fast i looked back at the house seeing sopfia standing there on the porch then going back inside i quickly got up and ran away into tokyo city i stopped running and started to walk i was still breathing heavily catching my breath i looked around with my eyes making sure bill wasn't near me i continued to walk around

after a while i seen a hotel i walked over to it going inside of the hotel i went over to the table

"Uhh.. can i rent a hotel room?" i asked
"Okay, For a night would be 25$ is that fine?" he asked he was tall and had blond long hair with perfect blue eyes Calm voice "Oh Yeah.. " i replied "Okay then, Your room is on 3rd floor 226." he said handing me a key i took the key going to the elevator it reminded me where i was in my apartment building and met bill. i clicked the button '2' and waited inside of the elevator then finally i got out of the elevator looking for 226 I found it after a few seconds then i unlocked it closing the door behind me I letted out a sigh i escaped them. i turned on the tv and the news came on i reached for the remote until i heard bills name

"Bill kaulitz Killed 9 people Already. We dont know why hes killing people but he said 'Wheres fucking anne.' we were searching for kaulitz " it said on the tv

".. What the actual fuck." i mumbled
i groaned and laid on the bed i felt like throwing up

bills pov.

"Where the fuck is she?!" i yelled i punched the wall leaving a hole i rested my hands on my face calming down "Fuck did i mess up? Fuck fuck fuck." i mumbled to myself tom was standing by my door i looked over at him and i standed up "You fucking made her leave and run away huh?!" i yelled at tom i pulled out a gun from my black leather jacket pointing it at tom and with no hesitation i pulled the trigger but it wasn't loaded "Fuck!" i said dropping the gun onto the floor i walked past him tom was standing there frozen like a dumbass i went downstairs to sopfia i grabbed her shirt "You whore you probably made her leave too huh you dumb slut?!" i yelled in her face

"No! she just lefted i was asleep!" she cried i threw her onto the floor walking away from her going outside i lit a cigarette and got in my car driving though tokyo city for anne "Shit where the fuck is she?!"


Sopfias pov

i called annes phone while i was inside the bathroom she answered the phone "Anne! your making bill insane!" i whispered "..What?.." she said then hanged up "Fuck." i mumbled looking up at the ceiling letting out a sigh


Annes pov

i was making bill insane?! "How the fuck could i make bill go insane?! I think its best if i don't go near him anymore.." i mumbled to myself
my heart was beating fast i was afraid What did she mean 'Insane?!"

(Yall.. The last chapters wasn't traumatic enough. so..)

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