Fair pt 1.

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i looked at the results i smiled i wasn't pregnant i didn't want to be pregnant. the thought of carrying a child for 9 months was weird but im i sick or something? why was i throwing up i threw away the test and i washed my hands then dried them off i walked out of the bathroom to see bill standing there

"did you get the results?" he asked looking me up and down
"Yeah?, im not pregnant." i letted out s quiet sigh of relief
"Oh okay." he said he looked disappointed.
I walked past him i went over to Sopfia starting to talk to her.
"What did bill give you?" sopfia asked

"It's nothing special." i said
"Okay.. then Buttt can you brush my hair?" she asked

i nodded i standed behind her brushing her hair i felt like a child playing with a doll i gently brushed out her hair sopfia watched tv as i brushed her hair then i placed the hairbrush down and i walked over and sat down by her looking at her

"Your hair is soft sopfia!" i smiled i played with her hair she letted out a little giggle
bill was watching us from the kitchen
i felt someone looking at me then i looked over at bill i seen him staring i tried to ignore it

"Im boreddd.." i mumbled
"Same.. Hmmm..." sopfia said
"oh i know! wanna go to a fair? Its opened until the 26th it was the 24th I realized i been here for 3 weeks already "Uhh okay.." i said looking at sopfia then sopfia got up and went upstairs to ask gustav if it was fine.

I went upstairs then i opened the door to gustavs room he was scrolling on his phone smoking a cigarette on his balcony i walked over to him "Can we go to the fair?" i asked
"Your acting like a fucking child right now sopfia." he snapped looking over at me
"Ugh. Fine Though. but someone like me or one of the boys have to be with you. Is anne coming?" he asked wondering i nodded "Yeah we were bored." i said

"Then bill can go with you guys." he said taking a smoke from his cigarette then blew it away from my face and gave me a kiss on the cheek then i lefted closing the bedroom door behind me going downstairs where anne was waiting for me i walked over to her "Bill has to come with us or we cant go." i said i knew she didn't like him much anymore "ughhh... Fine only because i wanna spend time with you." anne said i went over to bill "Can you watch us at the fair gustav told us you would watch us or we cant go." i said to bill "hm. Sure okay" he said smirking at anne she gave him a dirty child look i chuckled


i gave bill a dirty child look because he smirked at me he stsrted to walk outside of the house i seen sopfia follow him i walked outside with them bill opened the car door with both of us i got in the back with sopfia getting in the back also


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