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(i can be a little silly then making these.)

after a while i stopped crying and i got off the bed going to the bathroom i washed my hands and face my eyes were slightly red i letted out a sigh putting my hands on my face then i dried off my hands i didn't want to see bills face he had a problem.. why was i even falling for him if hes a murder?

he shot the person who made me laugh and Actually made me smile but what was bill talking about how tom killed his first love? i shaked my head slightly then i unlocked the door and slowly came out then i seen bill leaning against a wall watching me come out of the bedroom then i tried to ignore him Because he fucking murder someone my hands were kinda stained from the blood i seen sopfia and i walked towards her

"Hey!" she smiled like nothing happened..

"..Hey." i mumbled i sat next to her away from bill he was still watching me

sopfia handed me a drink

"Thanks?.." i said

"Your welcome!" she said
then she drank some
after seeing her drink some i slowly drank mine

we were watching Tv then the alcohol hitted me it felt like my head was spinning i got up and went to the kitchen slowly and i got water
drinking the water so push away the alcohol faster
then of course bill comes to me and wraps his arms around my waist i was too drunk for this

"Uhhh.. Hiii.." i said then i letted out a hiccup
he smiled

"Hey gorgeous" he replied

(Be ready. istfg..)

he leaned closer where are lips are inchs away then i kissed him

he kissed me back his touch was gentle
and soft this time
i wrapped my arms around his neck basically pulling me closer to his lips
he letted out his tongue asking for permission to allow to come in my mouth and i slightly opened my mouth for him and he moaned softly  he was roaming his hands on my body exploring every curve on my body
we were kissing for a while then he picked me up and putted me on the counter kissing me softly, Passionately? finally i letted out a soft quiet moan

he smirked continuing to kiss me i reached for his dreads and played with them while kissing him

"Get a rooomm!!" sopfia said

"Okay okay.." bill replied

he smirked again and i got down and he took my hand bringing me upstairs to his room when inside of his room he locked the door behind him and grabbed my wrist and kissed me wrapped his big arms around my waist Enough to Crush me he moaned in my mouth softly continued to kiss me
are our tongues dancing together and bills hands roamed my body up and down he pushed me against a wall gently kissing my neck i letted out soft quiet moans between kisses

i placed my hands on his chest roaming his chest 
then he took off his black leather jacket throwing it on the ground he picked me up and placed me on the bed

i looked at him
my drunkenness was going away slowly i forgot he killed evelyn

(You ready for a another part pookies?🥸 this is more sexual...)

His hands went up my shirt touching my skin then slowly made his way up to my bra
his touch was gentle

then he looked at him

"Are you comfortable?" he asked in a gentle voice

i nodded

(Bills pov )

her skin was so soft and her lips also i loved the way her hair slightly bounced then she walked

i loved her blond streaks in her brown hair she had the perfect curvy body shape not bonely like the others she had meat on her i wanted to feel her warmth around my boner that was begging to be inside of her but i knew i needed her trust i slowly took off my shirt leaving it on the floor next to my jacket i putted her hands on my chest  then my lips moved to her ear

"Can i make love to you?, my love." i whispered in her ear i knew she was drunk

she nodded
i smiled then pulled away


I took off her shirt then unbuttoned her baggy jeans

(Annes pov)

he undressed me this was the 2nd time i ever did something like this
he sat me up
then once my baggy jeans were unbuttoned  he made his way down to my private

"Are you sure?" he asked

".. yeah" i replied

he smiled then his cold tongue touched my -clit- i covered my mouth while he did that he kept on licking                          (🥰)

untill someone knocked on the door i covered up with the blanket as he opened the door

"Hm?, what is it tom?" he asked back in his low  cold german voice

"Um.. its georg Hes drunk and is drinking to
the 'bob cat' gang right now." tom said

bill nodded then looked at me
"Get ready Princess." he winked

putting his shirt and black leather jacket on and waited for me as he shutted the door i quickly got up and changed back into my clothes then i walked out of his room going downstairs to see bill then i followed Bill to his car and i got in the passenger seat then bill started his engine
and took off in the car with me driving into a desert kinda location and he got out with gustav and tom walking to the front door taking out his gun waiting for a answer then i heard a yell from a german voice it wasn't gustav, tom or bills they rushed inside then i heard bangs they all ran out but with a other straight long hair guy  bill got in the car with the others in their cars then took off bill was driving fast

then he took a sharp turn into the black mansion garage he parked in first then the others did with their cars also with the straight long brown hair guy im guessing thats georg?
i got out of the car and walked inside with Sopfia i wasn't drunk anymore from Bill driving fast it made me dizzy
i sat next to sopfia on the couch and watched tv with her

then i thought about that dream i had i went to the bathroom to wash my face to get my mind off it  then i seen hickeys on my neck
"fuck what did i do with bill while i was drunk?" i mumbled to myself then i walked out seeing a another girl on georg She had red hair
i looked at bill who was waiting for me i ignored him knowing that he probably gave me the hickeys  i sat next to sopfia
watching tv with her until..

(Write your opinion!!, i don't know if there's typos in there.😞)

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