look at me Anne.

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(Okay, no making out remind Listening to the somg!!)

i was watching tv with sopfia talking until bill walked over to me grabbing my wrist pulling me up he grabbed my waist

"Hm, Your so gorgeous Anne. you know that?" he said looking me with his dark brown eyes

"..Yeah i guess." i said looking in his eyes
he reached my hickeys on my neck kissing them i froze letting him do that he pulled awat to look in my eyes holding me still then he rested his nose in my hair rubbing my back this  gave me comfort
We were like this for a while then he letted go of me slowly grabbing my chin

"Did you finally stopped resisting?" he asked with a chuckle

"Shut up." i replied
then sopfia came to me and bill looking at us
"gustav told me theres a another party happening." she smiled

"I dont want to go.." i said looking at sopfia

"Then i wont go either" bill said looking at me admiring me

"Ughhh, your no Fun but see you guys i guess." sopfia said leaving with gustav, georg, wait i didn't see tom

"Bill, wheres Tom?" i asked looking up at His tall ass(not like that) body shape

"i actually dont know." he replied then i heard footsteps from upstairs maybe its tom
then i seen tom coming down ignoring Bill his eyes were red from crying? he went to the kitchen grabbing alcohol then went outside going in his car then i seen him drive away i wondered where he was going

"Its only us now huh?" he smirked

"Yeah.." i replied looking back at him who he was already looking at my honey eyes

He slowly brushed his lips against mine then crashing his lips against mine
my eyes widen then i kissed him back wrapping my arms around his neck then i seen the bracelet then i pulled away remembering what he did he smiled knowing that i remembered what he did
he held onto me tightly pressing myself against him i looked away not wanting to see his face

"Look at me Anne." he said in his low german voice "Look in my eyes." he added
i closed my eyes as a tear escaped my eyes rolling down my cheek then he wiped off my tear
"No need to cry ." he said then he grabbed my chin i opened my eyes looking in his eyes

"..Why did you kill her?!" i snapped

"Because.." he said
".. Tom killed my first love then he raped her.. Her name was Bella.." he said looking in my eyes trying not to cry

"Im sorry." i replied

"No your fine, Its nothing." he replied as a tear fell from his eye he nuzzled his face in my neck i letted him do that i was trying to comfort the person Who did all this to me Then i remembered my car was still parked by that raceway(💀)

i ignored that thought and i focused on bill and trying to comfort him then after awhile he pulled away

" im sorry." he said

"Sorry for what?" i asked

"For everything." he replied

"...." i wanted to forgive him but i didn't
" i don't forgive you." i said

"Take your time love." he replied
then lefted to his bedroom it was around 7:00 pm i was already tired i knew they wouldn't be back for hours or something i wanted to nap i went to the guest bedroom and i laid down falling asleep

A few hours pass and i woke up i seen the clock
it was 11:28 pm now i got up and walked to the bathroom i looked at myself in the mirror i letted out a sigh i wanted to die now even if i had a fear of death
then i heard giggling it wasn't from Sopfia i walked out of the bedroom to see a girl rubbing against bill filrting with bill i rolled my eyes walking back inside of the bedroom then i sat on the bed thinking about Evelyn then i laid down trying to go to sleep again then i eventually fell asleep
i felt someones warmth holding me from behind then i woke up too..


opinion Mls?       ——->

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