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"Yeah.. " i whispered to myself i looked over at the nurse but she was gone.
i slowly got off the bed bill backed up to give me space i went towards bill walking normal so that was good.

"Can i tell you something love?" bill asked "Mhm. what is it bill?" i said
"I wanted to cut my hair but i dont know.." he said with a sigh

"Do whatever you want to your hair, your gonna look handsome as always " i smiled i held my stomach trying to ignore the fact that i losted a baby I dont know how i just got pregnant off that 10 minute sex. maybe he did more when i was asleep? Thats creepy but that's something he would do.

he gave me a smile back before taking my hand in his "Wanna go home?" i nodded
he walked me out of the hospital i ignored the fact i was in a coma. it felt like yesterday So much happened only if i didn't move apartments im only 19. and my birthday was coming up So much stuff is happening in my life i just want to be a normal girl with a normal but im stuck with a murder.
my hair was not brushed i looked pale then my normal skin color why was Happening to me!

finally we reached the car i got in the back i was tired even after being in a coma i watched bill get in the drivers seat and start the engine taking off onto the road driving back into the woods where our house was.

i dont know what to do anymore in my life i wish i could just kill my self,

(Seriously i need to focus on school and my mental health. new part coming on tuesday)

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