Evelyn? no it cant be.

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(ignore the first song on this. skip to the second)

Here we are. back at this race, im shock no one even cares that im missing, but i did meet this kind girl. she works at a cafe. i think her name's valentine.

I letted out a sigh, walking to bills car, i smiled as i looked at him, he returned it.

"Whatcha doing pretty?"
"Nothing really, i was walking around.."
"Hm okay, but the race is gonna..—" he paused looking at someone, i looked over in the direction seeing a mad asian man, he was yelling at tom for fucking his women, i couldn't help but let out a quiet laugh. Bill smirked at me laughing, he held me against him as he watched tom argue with the asian man.

"Do you wanna get in the car and wait for me?" bill had asked.

"Okay," i replied simply. i walked over to the passenger side and got in, humming to myself as i waited

after a while bill got in, the girl that always did the races standed infront of the cars




"GO!!" she yelled

bill drove past her fast, making sharp turns. i took deep breaths to calm myself from remembering the car crash, i reached over for Bills hand, he smiled and held my hand.

"Bill, im gonna put on my headphones and listen to music,"

"Alright pretty." he replied focusing on the road.

i putted on my headphones and turned on music, i noticed bill driving across from Tom. they spoke together each other but i didn't hear anything, i noticed the cafe girl, i waved slightly but i dont think she noticed me. after a minute tom speeded off, bill stayed right behind him.

i closed my eyes, i started to think about Evelyn. i miss her very dearly. i really hope that bill stays like this instead of his old self.

I hummed the song that was playing to myself

(. gonna add more about anne thinking about evelyn!!!)

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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