Abandoned at the Door

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The night fell as the Moon rose high and shine down on the Valley of Void. High on the mountain, at the Onyx Palace, Master Komodo was training his young students during their last training session. Although they were only just children, Komodo always pushed them to do the best and would even push them through their limits

The yak was already suffering a burnout while the Asian open-bill stork, ring-tailed lemur and the atlas beetle were still practicing intense combat

Beetle was almost in his pre-teen years, so he was the oldest, which still never meant not everyone got treated the same

"Use your wings, Stork!" Komodo shouted, the only thing he ever does

"Straighten your back, Lemur!"

"Be faster, Beetle!"

"Stand up, Yak!"

At the end of the session, they were all exhausted and tired. Even those 5 minutes of break weren't enough for them, they could barely catch their breath and haven't really been eating that well

The young students bowed to their teacher, only to see him look down on them and sigh deeply, the last thing they wanted to hear.
One of Komodo's critical comments

"Well done, students. If you were trying to disappoint me!" Komodo scowled as he paced around them

The four boys were trying to hold in their frustrations and anger at Komodo's criticism and their tears. They have done nothing, but their best yet Komodo always had something to say about their training and always assumed he knew the best of them, which was never true

Just as he was about to continue, the doors of the training hall swung open to reveal a small bunny and she looked really shocked and worried at the sight of the exhausted children, the bunny did remain respectful and bowed to Komodo


"Master Komodo, what is the meaning of this? The children were supposed to be in bed hours ago!" Bo gasped as she gently cupped Yak's face, only to have her paws slapped away by a frustrated and tired Yak

Bo took the children and escorted them back to the barracks and tucked them in, Komodo was left alone in the training hall to sulk and get irritated at the bunny's worry and annoying mother instinct. About half an hour, Bo came back with her paws in her sleeves

"Master Komodo, please. You got to be less hard on them. They're only children and they need time to develop and be carefree children"

"They got potential and they must not waste it by slouching around and I do not have to constantly remind them of their... foibles" Komodo clarified as he straightened his back

"I'm sure that there is plenty of time to-"

"Do not interfere with my teachings. After all, you're just the nanny of my students for when no one else is around, nothing more. Do not forget that, Bo" Komodo reminded her, she hated that so much, how much he disregarded her concern and her warnings

But before she could open her mouth to speak, a loud knocking came from the courtyard's door. They walked outside into the courtyard, which was covered with a thick layer of snow as Bo approached the back door, that was when she heard a faint cooing and whimpering, she turned to Komodo to see what he was thinking of it

"Open the door, Bo"

Bo opened the door, but there was no one standing there. That was when she heard the sound coming from below her and looked down, there it was. A infant snow leopard swaddled in a blanket and laid in a basket filled with more blankets to keep her warm

Kung Fu Panda: Crane x Snow Leopard OCWhere stories live. Discover now