KFP2: To Gongmen City

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Back at the Jade Palace, Po, Daiyu and the Five were gathered in the Training Yard, where Shifu was reading a scroll what seemed to be containing a serious message, hearing Shifu's worried voice

"Are you familiar with the master of Gongmen City?" Shifu asked

"You mean Master Thundering Rhino?" Po asked

"Yes" Shifu nodded

"Son of the legendary Master Flying Rhino?" Po asked excitedly

"Yes" Shifu nodded

"And slayer of the ten-thousand serpents of the Valley of Woe?" Po asked more excitedly as Shifu replied

"He's dead"

Everyone got shocked at that as Po gasped


Po took the scroll as he read the message with Tigress reading over his shoulder, before handing it over to Monkey

"That's impossible" Crane said as Tigress nodded

"Rhino's horn defense is impervious to any technique"

"This was no technique. Lord Shen had created a weapon, one it that breathes fire and spits metal. Unless he is stopped, this could be the end... if kung fu" Shifu spoke as he stood near the steps leading down the mountain

"But I just got kung fu!" Po groaned as Shifu replied

"And now, you have to save it. Go! Destroy this weapon and bring Lord Shen to Justice!"

Pointing with his staff to the horizon, Daiyu and the five set off as Po made a follow, but stopped himself when he got confused and had a quick talk with Shifu

But after a few seconds, Po hurried right after them through the village, where everyone was cheering for them as they all began their journey, but not before they heard Mr. Ping yelling


They all stopped to see Mr. Ping running outside his noodle shop towards Po with a large backpack, which upon being dropped on the ground spilled a large amount of contents, but mostly food and Po's action figures of the Five and one of Daiyu

"I got your travel pack! I packed you food for weeks: cookies, buns, vegetables... and I even packed all your action figures!" Mr. Ping smiled as he took out two action figures of Mantis and Tigress, holding up the Tigress figure


Po got embarrassed as Monkey laughed and pointed at him while Tigress looked at Po in amusement and Daiyu chuckled

"Oh! Uh, hey. I don't know what those are, never seen them before in my life" Po chuckled awkwardly as the three warriors walked off and then whispered to Mr. Ping

"Dad, you got scratches on my Tigress. And the paint of my Daiyu dried already?" Po asked softly as he carefully inspected the newly carved action figure of Daiyu

"You made a doll of me?" Daiyu asked as Po corrected her with an exaggerated sigh

"Action figure, Daiyu! And n-no, it's just, uh" Po stammered as he ended up blubbering awkwardly while Daiyu shook her head in amusement and turned to the others, waiting for Po to finish his small chat with Mr. Ping

"I never imagined someone taking their sweet time carving a figure looking like me" she smiled

"Believe, he has a whole collection of 'em" Mantis replied as Crane nodded

"I'm just hoping he keeps it at making action figures and not voodoo dolls"

Making Viper and Daiyu laugh

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