KFP3: The Power of Chi

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Everyone returned to the Valley of Peace, even the pandas came with them. Po was standing at the Jade Palace stairs with the Six behind them and the villagers and the pandas beneath them

Him and the Six teaching everyone kung fu. There were drums, gongs and food. And lots of confetti

"Ready!" Po shouted excitedly as everyone participated

It was loud and cheerful, everything successfully. But the panicked screaming of Mantis were what cut through the silence

"Monkey, help me!" Mantis shouted as Monkey laughed while the little panda girl had Mantis still in her tiny paws

"Greeny Baby!" She smiled

"Get 'em off me!" Mantis yelled as everyone laughed and the girl trained with Tigress and Daiyu

"It's only a child, Mantis. A very cute child, just like those other panda kiddos" Daiyu laughed as Crane nodded

"They're indeed very cute. You might not know it, but I do want to have my own children one day"

"You do? Actually, me too. I-I think" Daiyu chuckled nervously, until she, Po and everyone else successfully performed the chi technique and gave chi to everything that lives around them

Crane did notice a slightly off tone in Daiyu's voice

After the ceremonial training, Daiyu had found herself standing under the Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom doing tai chi while the petals flew and followed each of her movements

She stopped when she heard the flapping sound of wings and realized Crane had landed right behind her

"Hey, Daiyu. I was looking all over for you" Crane said as Daiyu turned around to face him

"Oh, I'm right here. Didn't mean to worry you. I thought you joined the others to get dinner"

"Well, I had something more important in mind. So they went without me" Crane replied as he held something behind his back

"Is it so important that it's worth letting Po raid the kitchen or not beat Po to the dining table?" Daiyu asked curiously

"The most important moment of my life that I've prepared myself so long for" Crane nodded as Daiyu's eyes widened

"Now, I really have to hear it" Daiyu replied

"Believe me, you are gonna hear it. You'll be delighted that I stayed, because otherwise it'll all be ruined" Crane assured her as Daiyu sighed

"Come on, come on. My curiosity is sick and your answer is the only cure for it"

"You'll be cured soon, better even. It will be even more miraculous if I just showed you" Crane chuckled as he revealed a box from behind his back and opened it

"I got Shifu's and Bo's blessing. Master Komodo obviously didn't get a say in anything as he already lost the privilege to be in your life and if I were to ask your birth father, Tai Lung, for his blessing... I'd probably join him in the Spirit Realm"

There were two necklaces in it, one Yin and one Yang. It were two necklaces that would make one symbol when placed together

"Daiyu, my love. Ever since you've stepped foot here, me and everything else has become so much better and brighter. I've seen so many absurd couples, so we sure aren't an exception. But that doesn't matter. I want to spend every day of our lives trying to make you happy and carefree. You are the Yin to my Yang, you are my other half. Daiyu, will you do the honor of being my wife? Will you marry me?" Crane asked nervously with a smile as Daiyu gasped and had her mouth covered with her paws

She wrapped her arms around him and cried tears of joy

"Oh, my god! Yes, yes, yes! Of course I will!... you have no idea how long I've waited for someone to call me their Yin"

"Well, you're my Yin now and I'm your Yang" Crane smiled as he put the Yin necklace around Daiyu's neck and Daiyu did the same to Crane with the Yang necklace

"And this means we'll be together till death part us" Crane smiled as he touched his forehead with Daiyu's

"For now, death is far from parting us" Daiyu chuckled as they kissed

While kissing, the sun was beginning to set and the blossom petals were flying through the sky

Kung Fu Panda: Crane x Snow Leopard OCWhere stories live. Discover now