A New Home

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7 years later

The Valley of Peace was, well, peaceful. The market was crowded, children were running and playing around and everything was going quite well within their community and society. And if there were ever to be a threat, the Furious Five and the Dragon Warrior would be there to help

At the top of the mountain was the Jade Palace, giving them full view of the valley below them. Everyone highly respected them and their great skill in kung fu. They were mighty warriors, but not today

A giant fat panda, a tiger with tough composure and a tall crane who appeared thin yet sturdy were making their way through the market place while the panda had a nervous look on his face

"So, Po. You dragged us all the way here to help you pick out an exact replica of Shifu's favorite vase?" The crane asked the panda, who chuckled

"Yeah, ha! But I couldn't help it after my stunt went wrong, Tigress should've warned me that Shifu kept his-"

"I should've warned you? You should've done your stupid stunt in the training hall and not when Crane brought-"

And soon, they began bickering their heads off, until a pig couple were acting unusually cheerful and holding their child like it was a miracle, tears of happiness filled the mother's eyes and so did the father's

"Wow, they seem to be overjoyed" Crane muttered under his breath, until they walked over to them

"Hey, uh, what's with the over-the-moon cheering? Is there a birthday boy today?" Po asked as he smiled at the child

"No. Our little boy has been dangerously ill and we couldn't afford a doctor, but this wonderful snow leopard has healed him with her healing powers. In fact, she didn't even need to examine him, she somehow magically knew it" The mother smiled as the father nodded

"And she barely asked for anything, but we payed her 8 yuan anyway"

"Oh, that's... that's unusually cheap" Po's eyes widened and so did Tigress and Crane's

"Are you sure you weren't just scammed by her?" Tigress asked as they shook their heads

"I've been puking all day and all night and now I feel alive, as if I didn't know what living really felt like!" The child smiled as he sounded sincere and honest, it was too much to believe for them and were thinking of just asking them about her, since the local doctors might not be able to make their average payments

They asked where they could find her and they pointed to the direction where the big river was and they headed towards it, but there was no one to find. They assumed they lied to them, because they thought the locals could profit off of her healing abilities, so they had to find her and have a word with Shifu about this

Thinking, they hung around the river that crossed the bamboo forest and tried to come up with something

"Y'know, I'm starting to think that it might not be as bad as we think, maybe we should just ask-"

"Po, we don't know if she doesn't try to take over the local doctor's work and make more money than him or take over every doctor's job" Tigress interrupted as she sat down on the grass

"Yeah, but not everyone can afford a doctor, so yeah" Po hummed awkwardly

"Why would she want to take over the local doctor's job? She might just be traveling around and stopping by" Crane suggested as Po nodded and Tigress was still doubting the both of them

"Look, we can assume this person probably does want to make easy money by scamming villagers. I mean, who has magical healing powers anyway? Or we can go find her right now and have a firm talk with her, agree?" Po suggested as he only got tired and sort of fed up expressions from Tigress and Crane in return, making Po awkwardly grin back at them

Kung Fu Panda: Crane x Snow Leopard OCWhere stories live. Discover now