KFP2: China's Victory

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A red torch illuminated the six masters wrapped together in chains and with only Mantis trapped in a small cage. Tigress blinked as she glared furiously at the one holding the torch

Boss Wolf, along with Lord Shen

As they looked around, they realized they were on a boat in the city's canal

"Such sad, sad faces. But now is a time only for joy" Shen spoke as he slowly approached them and leaned closely to Tigress' ear

"You are going to be part of something beautiful" he whispered as Tigress snarled menacingly at the wicked peacock as Shen leaned back and gazed back at her

"Once we reach the harbor, in front of all the world, you and your precious kung fu will die. Then China will know to bow before me. Set sail!"

The masters got hoisted up high above the ship and they soon started setting sail. A hug armanda if ships slowly sailed down the canal, filled with wolf soldiers and cannons. In a ship twice as large as the others, Lord Shen stood on a podium above his largest cannon

Farther up the line of ships, the warriors hung suspended above the wolves. Silent, defeated and depressed as they awaited death

"Honestly, guys. I never thought I'd die like this. I always thought I'd meet a nice girl and settle down... and then she'd eat my head. So sad" Mantis sighed sadly

"Neither did I. I finally found a home after so many dreadful years, but all that had to come to an end this fast. I wish I could have had spend more time with you guys, more time to perhaps experience love as well. But I'm the one fooling myself here" Daiyu sighed as her ears hung low

"You've never experienced love? Wasn't there someone who had an eye on you?" Viper asked as Daiyu paused, before shrugging

"I don't even think I'm that desirable, because most boys were either pulling a prank or doing it for a bet. It doesn't matter now, because we're going die with shame and failure"

Crane opened his beak to say something, but Monkey already spoke up

"We cannot give up hope! Po would want us to remain strong. Hardcore. Right, Tigress?" He asked as he looked up and saw her grief-stricken face while the others remained silent

The small bridge stretched across the canal and stopped for just a small second. Suddenly, they heard Shen yell


One of the cannons was aimed at the bridge and fired. The citizens barely managed to clear the bridge, before a cannonball came flying their way and completely obliterated the bridge. They dodged falling debris as they ran and the masters watched in horror, horrified by this act

"You coward!" Tigress screamed as she tried to get loose while Shen ignored her

Tigress stared at the scene, then glanced up... and spotted a shape standing on a high roof, illuminated by the moonlight. A familiar, round, black and white shape wearing a rice hat. Tigress couldn't believe it

"Po?" She muttered as a very alive Po gazed down at the armada as it traveled through the canal. All their faces lit as her friends also spotted him


"What's happening?" Daiyu asked as Viper replied

"Po's back"


The citizens came out of their hiding as Po's return became known to everyone present, soldiers included. Shen glared yo at the panda, astounded and furious

"How many times do I have to kill the same stinking panda?!" Shen cursed

Then Po started shouting something, but it was difficult to hear because of the great distance between them and Shen kept shouting for clarification. The soldiers started to aim the cannon at Po, but couldn't get a good aim since Po was constantly running from the one place to another

Kung Fu Panda: Crane x Snow Leopard OCWhere stories live. Discover now